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A girl in a camouflage jacket surveys the landscape of a long-grass field. A crossbow is strapped to her back and a quiver of bolts hangs near her waist. The wind picks up to a soft breeze, enough to blow the long-grass to reveal rocks, tree sumps and other previously hidden items. In the dim moonlight she notices the outline of a small creature hopping along the valley formed between the hill the girl is on and one opposite of her.

Silently, the girl kneels to shoulder her crossbow and racks back a bolt. As the crossbow is raised, the small creature pauses in its tracks as the winds change direction. Now upwind of the creature, the girl knows the animal could smell her. Releasing a bolt before the creature can react, she meets her mark. Smiling as she rises from her hiding place, another clean hunt. Surely a prize to bring back for her family. A fine hide and meal to be made from the creature, her father will be proud. As she approaches her prize, a low growl echoes above the sound of the rustling grass.

She racks another bolt back and swivels her head around, searching for the growl's owner. Beyond the hill, a dark colored creature near the size of a bear bounds towards the scent of fear. Fear came from many creatures even down to the rodent, to the creature fear from a creature of any size is fear none the less. The creature crests the hill and barrels toward the scent of fear.

"Beowolf." The girl whispers under her breath.

Not bothering to back off, she raises her crossbow and fires a bolt into its hide. It's enough to slow the beast but not kill it. Pulling on her crossbow, the weapon lengthens to a quarter staff. She leaps forward to strike the beowolf on its head. The staff cracks down on the creature's head, knocking it to the ground. The girl lands and prepares to deliver the final blow. A paw lashes out and knocks her back.

Groaning as she stands, she raises her staff again. The beast charges again. Waiting for her opening, she strikes the Beowulf's leg. Tumbling to the ground the Beowulf howls in pain, she aims a powerful thrust with her staff at the creature. Thrusting it through the creature's torso, the now dead creature begins to wilt away in the wind.

"Why are you all the way out here?" Studying its features, she watches as the creature becomes little more than a memory. "And you almost robbed me of my hunt."

She laughs to herself. "Charley would be jealous."

"Alex!" A voice calls out.

"Be there in a minute." She replies.

"Dad's going to need to know about you, my friend." She picks up the creature she was hunting. A rabbit. "A fine stew, you will make."


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