I. november 18th, 1991

144 10 0

cw // curse words

" dear percy weasley,

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" dear percy weasley,

i am writing you this letter not to declare my love yet express my infatuation. i know not if i love you or if my silly crush shall go anywhere yet i always find myself drawn to you.

we've only shared a few words yet i cling to those as if they were a lifeline. they give me some hope of interacting with you once more yet it is only hope.

my eyes wander
yet your hair that burns so bright
is the only thing able
to catch my sight

eternally yours ♡︎ "

percy read the letter for the second time, his eyes scanning the page for any indication of who the person was

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percy read the letter for the second time, his eyes scanning the page for any indication of who the person was. if they've only shared a few words, it couldn't be anyone close to him. he had gotten the letter in the middle of his homework, a snowy white owl flying through the tower to deliver it to him. it came without warning so of course he was shocked but seeing as it had interrupted his studies, he would have to formulate a response later.

seeing as the owl was still there, he waved his hand at it. "shoo! go on now, i don't have anything for you, now go." he told it, as it made a noise as if it was scoffing at him, flying away. going all the way to the girls' bathroom as it flew in through an open window.

transforming back, a tall brown girl stood there in front of two other girls looking at her expectantly.

"he didn't write anything back so you two can stop staring now." the metamorphmagus said as she kicked as the floor gently. "you know, i don't know why you have a crush on that- that- twit! he just read it and told me to go away! he's quite rude to owls if i do say so myself, 0/10 experience." priya heckled as she walked over to a wall, leaning on it with a frown on her face as she looked to the other two girls in the bathroom.

"well, I for one think you must've been a nuisance. the percy i know is quite respectful, maybe you were pecking at his fingers and he told you to buzz off." cassiopeia bantered with the ravenclaw as her hair turned red, muttering under her breath about hexing the trousers off the slytherin. cassiopeia snickered at her for a few seconds before she looked towards her friend who sat silently on the windowsill with a smile on her face.

priya had gone quiet as her hair returned to its dark color. the two friends stared at her for a few moments, waiting for her to say something but all they got was a light sigh and a smile from the brunette. they both deadpanned as the girl walked past them and out of the bathroom.

"did she just-" "leave?"

crashing onto her bed, she turned her head to the right as she stared at the wall

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crashing onto her bed, she turned her head to the right as she stared at the wall. she couldn't blame him for not responding, it is weird to receive a letter out of nowhere from someone who won't even tell you who they are. but at least he read it! god, if she didn't sound like a creep before, she did now. she laughed softly to herself then covered her eyes with her hands as she groaned oh my god, im a bloody creep. I won't have a chance in hell with him if he dislikes me

staring at the ceiling, she continued to reflect. he might still fancy penelope so i shouldn't get my hopes up , sighing as she got out of her robes and into her pajamas, putting on her bonnet and laying back down in her bed.

"I guess a nap is long overdue"

eternally yours ,, percy weasley (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now