Chapter 7 - New Friends?

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Joey had chosen me to be the "Creator" as the toons seemed to like me a lot more than they did him. But he could understand that. He did do terrible things to them and he does regret what he had done but knows there's no fixing the past. After about an hour walk, I finally reach the studio and shiver as the wind starts to pick up. I pull out the studio keys which Joey had given me and I unlock and open the door. I walk in, coughing as the air is a bit dusty and I look around, closing the door behind me and putting the keys in my pocket. I notice a lot of things have been removed and replaced with new and improved things. I walk around and explore the new and renovated studio, seeing movie and show posters on the walls. I find a screening room and flinch as I see something move on the corner of my eye but when I look, nothing is there. I let out a sigh. Just my eyes messing with me, I think to myself. I continue looking around and soon find a room labeled "Ink Machine". I tilt my head a bit, feeling curious but as soon as I enter, I feel almost instantly uneasy, like as if I am being watched. I look around and pull a lever and my eyes light up in wonder as a big machine rises up from the floor, chains rising it up and pipes hanging out of it. Wow. The ink machine.. It's so new and so amazing, I think to myself. I look at it calmly and I feel as if I'm being watched more but I push it aside and reach out to touch the ink machine when suddenly, something grabs my wrist. I panic and come face to face with a creature who has large horns and has something like ink dripping from it. I shriek a bit, seeing that this is NOT Bendy and try pulling away and after I see I can't escape so easily, I hit it in the face with my fist and it lets go and I run off as quickly as possible. I run to the door to get out but the floor beneath me breaks. I hit another floor and pass out from the impact. I wake up as I hear faint voices and glance around slowly and breathe a bit shakily. "Psst, Andy. She's awake." a voice says and I try focusing my vision and I blink slowly and soon my vision becomes more clear and I see 2 boys. One of the boys kneels before me and looks at me calmly yet a bit curiously. "Hello, miss. Are you feeling ok? Can you feel anything? Does anything hurt?" He asks. I cough and take a deep breath. "I think I'm ok. The only thing that hurts is my head and back." I say and slowly sit up and I flinch a tiny bit as I feel the boy put his hand on my back to help support me. "I'm relieved you are fine, miss." The boy speaks very softly to me and in a tone that makes me feel calm. "Oh. Where are my manners? I am Andy. Andy Angel. And this is my brother Dylan." Andy says. "If you do not mind me asking. What is your name?" He asks. I hesitate a bit. "I am Serenity. Serenity Whooves." I answer him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Serenity." Andy says and he gets up and helps me up onto my feet. "What's a cutie like you doing here this far in the studio?" Dylan asks with a bit of a flirty look. I blush a bit and I see that they are no threat and I clear my throat. "I was exploring since the studio got a renovation and I went to the ink machine room and something that looked like Bendy but most definitely wasn't attacked me and I ran but I ended up falling down here. And now I'm stuck here." I answer. "Is there anything we can do for you?" Dylan asks softly. I glance at my clothes and turn away quickly as my face turns red and I realize my clothes are shredded but neither of them realized until now and they both quickly look away, their faces red. "A-A ch-change of clothes would be n-nice, please." I stammer. The boys feel flustered and are looking away still. "S-Sure thing, Miss Serenity." Andy stammers and puts a jacket on me to cover myself up with then he walks off. He soon comes back with a change of clothes and sets them on a table. "W-We will leave you to change now." Andy stammers and walks out with Dylan. I take the clothes and change and walk out of the room. "Do you really think Joey chose a GIRL of all people to be our new creator? I mean, she couldn't even handle a fall. She was unconscious for a few hours but still. Not to mention, a girl! In this place? If anyone else down here finds her, she'll be in a lot of danger. Do you really think she can even handle it here?" I hear Dylan say, a bit confused. I am a bit irritated and I walk out, the clothes baggy and big on me. "You would be surprised what I am capable of. I may be a girl but I'm older than your damn existence." I say in a bit of a annoyed tone. Andy and Dylan flinch and look at me. "Oh? How old are you then? You look no older than 14." Andy asks softly. I chuckle and smirk a bit. "I am 14,000,000 years old. So I suggest you don't get on my bad side. I wouldn't kill you but I sure would beat your ass up." I say to him. The two of them look shocked as they figure out I'm immortal. I look at them calmly. "I get that you two are shocked and all. But I have some questions I would like answered." I say in a calm and soft tone. They all snap back to reality and Andy clears his throat. "What are your questions?" He asks calmly. "Well I'm curious as to who you two even are. And since I'm the new creator, how come I've never heard or met you two before. And what the hell this place even is." I say. "Well thats a long story..." Andy says, a saddened expression on his face. I sit down calmly and look at both him and Dylan. "I have time." I say softly. "Well we were created a long time ago, about the same time Bendy and Boris were. We were supposed to be the angels of the show. Until Joey threw up away like as if we were trash. We were replaced by the female angels you know. We are not the angels brothers though. Joey probably never wanted to talk about us as we were "failures" in his eyes so that's why you've never heard or met us before. Now what this place is. That is a completely different story. You see, you've entered the toon area of the studio. This is where us "failures" and forgotten ones have fallen to and where we live. So you'll be stuck down here for who knows how long." Andy tells me. I blink and stare at him and Dylan in shock. Toon area? Forgotten ones? They were two of Joey's characters?! Why would he do that to them? Let alone, not even tell me? I think to myself. "Hey, Serenity! We'll show you around since you'll be here for awhile. Everyone is friendly down here, so no need to worry. C'mon!" Dylan says happily. I follow him and Andy and my eyes widen as we reach an area that looks like the outside but we are in the studio still. This is a toon town! Andy takes me by my hand and leads me calmly. "Watch your step. Wouldn't want you getting claimed by the ink! That'd be bad for our new friend." He says. I see tons of characters. Some I knew as I remember they were going to be in the show but were rejected by Joey. But most of them I have no idea who they are. I am greeted warmly into the town. I smile a bit at the toons. I know I should head back to the surface soon... but I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay for awhile. Like Dylan said.. I'm gonna be here for awhile. I think to myself and explore the toon world with Andy and Dylan.

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