Chapter18: What?

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Melanie Domani Williams

I woke up to him laying right beside me with his arms around my waist as we were both still naked which made me think of lastnight

I was smiling like an idiot

I turned my body toward him and messed with hair, who would've thought me and him would sleep together let alone admit their love for each other , no one would because me and him damn sure couldnt

And might I say he knows how to take care of my body "Stop staring" He mumbled which caused me to jump hard as hell confused

"How did you-

"I wasn't sleep just resting my eyes"

Rolling my eyes I started to turn back over causing him to tighten his grip so I couldn't "And what you think your doin?"

"Turning my back on you" I said as he raised his eyebrow  "Oh really?? Turning your back on me?" I nodded trying to do so again just to feel his strong arms grip me more causing me to not be able to move

His hand slid his way down to my area as he kissed my neck then planted soft kisses from the neck to my shoulders, now having his finger slid in causing me to gasp as he did that he shocking me adding another, the combination he was doing was amazing as he started to kiss my lips

The kiss got so intense he got on top on me and I was so ready to get the dick again ..

"Aye Ace we got ......" Jake walked in the room , I was so glad my body was covered and due to Ace having his body on top of me covered me completely he gasp "I DIDNT KNOW THIS WAS A WHOREEEEE HOUSE!!!!!!"

We both smacked our teeth

I was this close .. THIS CLOSE , I'm going to kill Jake

"Noooooooo, Melanie you chose him??? What about us?? What about trust? You just gone leave me for this nigga? I'm done we done " He said dramatically holding his chest like he was hurt

"You better chill with that shit before a bullet get in yo head" Ace said very sternly but you can hear him being jealous

It was cute .. and sexy

"Mmcht oh shutup you know she my bestfriend, y'all is nasty though put some damn clothes on cause it still smell like sex in here unless ....... oh hell no" He said before he ran out locking & closing the door causing us to laugh

"Where were we?" I smiled

"Bitchhhhhhhh you did not! who would've thought"

Of course I had to tell Chels and Ash everything , we all sat at brunch while everyone told their stories about what's going on with their love lives

"So did you guys talk about what you are" I shook my head "Yeah we express our love and has sex but the conversation never happened yet & I don't think me and him should simply rush a relationship anyway you know what I'm saying? Especially with everything going on maybe after we can talk about it but as of now we're fine how we are" I said eating some bacon

They both nodded "That's understandable, well as far as me and Dave, he finally asked me to be his girlfriend" I gasp and started getting excited like a little kid

"I waited for this, how did this happen" she smiled

"Wellllll.... I actually been a girlfriend for 2 weeks  now, I wanted to wait until everything blow over to tell you guys" I was lowkey upset about that but I respected her decision because it's basically something I would've did also

"He took me out the same day you and Kai went out on y'all date & he went all out, Im talking flowers and so on and he asked me to be his girlfriend and we been great every since"

I was happy for them both being around both of them I've heard both of their fucked up past and they both deserve to be happy and I loved that for them

"And you Chels"

She smiled big and started digging in her purse , handing out an ultrasound and I was in awe

"When will you find out if it's a boy or girl?" Ash asked her as I examined the picture, I knew exactly the gender, it's the nurse in me but I'll wait until they come with it

"I'm only 4 months maybe next month "

"What are you hoping for?" I asked her as she smiled big eating her food before talking again "A girl would be nice, she'll have some overprotective ass uncles"

"And the boy would have some overprotective aunties" we all laughed as continued eating

"Okay I'm gonna wait for the check you guys can go to the car" I said grabbing my purse "Okay I'm going pee this baby got my bladder acting a fool" we nodded as she walked toward the bathroom

"Could you ever imagine us with kids?" Ash questioned as I turned my head "I honestly never thought about it"

"Why not?" I gave the waitress Ace card and turned back to her "Because of everything I been through , I never could imagine myself having kids , I don't even think I'll be a good mother"

"Don't say that" She said making me face her , I didn't even realize my head was down

I have a bad habit of doing that

"You'll be a great mother Melanie. Hell out of all of us, you and Chels would be great mothers! You guys both love kids and I see the way you look at them and help them, when I pop this coochie and have my own they coming straight by there teetee Lani" She said laughing causing me to laugh too

"Right cause you and Dave wouldnt know the first thing about taking of kids, gone have the pamper on the baby head and don't get me started on Jake" I said we both laughed again

"See?? You  know more than me , you be great girl plus you have all of us to help you" She said hugging me as I hugged back "Thanks Ash, I needed that lol"

I looked around

"It's been a minute huh?? Chels ass ain't come back yet" I said getting up

"Maybe that's a pregnant things, she prolly shitting let's go check on her though"

We both walked toward the bathroom but the closer we got, I seen a heel right outside the door which was Chelsey's as we both barged in the bathroom seeing all of her things but her

Arlington Omari Taylor

"Slow down Lani love, what happened?" I asked to trying to hear her but couldn't understand shit due to her crying and panicking while also having Ash in the back

"We don't know where she is Ace she said she was going to use the bathroom and it's been 15 minutes we went to check and she was gone!! Her phone and purse were on the ground and she was nowhere to be found Ace!" She said all together and now I understood her completely

"Yo what happened they all good?" Malik asked

"Come home NOW" I said hearing her say okay , hanging up

"What's wrong" Jake asked

"Was that Lani ?? She okay?? She  sound like she was crying" I nodded turning facing Jake and Dave as I rubbed my hands down my face stressed at how I'm going to say this

"Jake and Dave hold Malik down" I said while they looked confused

"Hold me down for what?? What's going on man?"

"Do as I say" I said as they hurried as he fought confused

"They got her man ... they got Chelsey" I said as I watched he stopped fighting as it seem as if he stop everything , I rushed to him pulling him in a hug holding him

"We gone get her back man.. Im going to make sure of that"

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