Chapter 26: Truth of The Past

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A Month later

Melanie Domani Williams

Me and Ace was laying down in bed watching a show. It's been over month and things were slowly getting back to normal. Ash still wasn't talking to Ace for whatever reason. The crew still was the same though, weirder than usual but still the same.

Me and Jake finally made it to a great bit of recovery thanks to therapy. He no longer needed his crutches and was walking on his own moving faster than ever while me on the other hand, I was able to walk now and do lots of things on my own, I recovered so well even though I have pains here and there everything was still going good for me and I was happy to be active again

I watched as he looked in thought as I guess he caught my stare and looked back at me

"Wassup?" He said kissing my forehead

"What's on your mind" I asked him as he seemed a bit caught off guard but hurriedly changed that

"Nothing really" He mumbled causing me to roll my eyes

"I know you're lying... We don't talk anymore Ace, we use to tell part of our life stories every night and out of nowhere you just stopped what's wrong is it me?? Did I do something?" I said starting to overthink the situation as usual

"No Lani, no it's not you it's me.. I just be having a lot on my mind" He said staring at me

"Tell me what happened to you... The reason you are like this I want to know so I could understand better maybe it'll help us both" I said

I know he had something else on his mind but he's always the type to hold stuff in and I wanted to know what made him this way since I've never heard it besides in bits and pieces from Ash

"You really wanna know" He said looking into my soul as I nodded giving him my full attention as he nodded pausing the tv sitting up

I stared at him as he started talking

"My stepdad, I would've never thought my mom would've moved on but she did , they been together for a while me and Ash never really met him until one day he came over and then he moved in with us , months later shit was goin good then a year later it was like a switch that changed, things were worse , he was alright when he was sober but he was hardly ever sober"  He chuckled a lil , I felt chills as he began to speak again

"He started knocking her around, first it was occasionally then it was more and more , me to sometimes but mostly her.. I always hid Ashley because I didn't want her to go through it , have you ever watched your mom take the abuse everyday have to hear her apologize as if she deserved it"

"One night I was in my room doing homework and Ash was watching tv and it started up... He kept going after her and he wouldn't stop I snapped... I told Ash to stay in the room and lock the door, I grabbed a gun my mom had hidden it was just to warn him my only thought was to get him off her, I wasn't trying to but it was to late and that was it, I killed him" He said and then looked me in my eyes then looked down

I could see the hurt and sorrow in his eyes, the strong image that he masked was over all of that pain and suffering he was holding in, it was all an act

"My mom died the same night, he beaten her to death, I watched her take her last breath ... I lost her and I lost myself"

I watched as the tears fell from his eyes this was the first time I ever seen him cry , I'm so used to seeing the hardcore person the man in charge but it's true when they say the ones who seem the strongest always be the ones who needs help, they need it badly

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