Chapter 36: The Truth

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Arlington Omari Taylor

I looked as she stared everywhere but at me as I shook my head chuckling as she turned faced me

"What's funny?"

I shook my head taking a sip of Hennessy "Nothing man" I said before she looked at me rolling her eyes causing me to grunt

Here she go with this dumb ass attitude shit

"Melanie don't start that attitude shit bruh"

"I'm not-

"You are so calm that shit down right now" I said as she shut her mouth looking at me before I hesitated telling her "Melanie I want to start off by saying, I promise you that shit wasn't intentional nor was I ever trying to hurt-

"Your dick in her mouth wasn't intentional??? Her sending me pictures wasn't intentional??"

"No Melanie what the fuck"

I sighed knowing this shit going to go left if she kept cutting me off and not fucking listen to what I have to say

"Then what Ace??? You know what is bullsh-

"Melanie sit the fuck down " I said as my voice boomed as she looked at me before actually sitting down "Please just shut the fuck up for once and just let me explain and you get to decide on your fucking own if you want to even be bothered after or don't fucking listen at all because that's your fucking problem you don't give people the opportunity or the chance to explain themselves and maybe you'll at least find out what the fuck happened then being in your thoughts" I said now realizing I might've been a little harsh

She looked at me as if she was in deep thought but she didn't give me no type of smart remark, she sat back down before nodding her head

"Talk and I'll listen"

I nodded "Melanie that night I regret deeply... We all ended up getting drunk, we started buying the whole damn club drinks just typically turning up like any other time. As a few hours than past I was drunk but a nigga was straight man"

She gave a look like where is this going as I held my hands up

"I'm getting there" I said as she nodded "One of the bottle girls came up to me saying someone brought me a drink and pointed to a lightskin girl which I wasn't thinking nothing of it because we brought the whole club drinks so we toasted from a distance and I kept partying with the guys."

"I honestly can't tell you how I got so fucked up bc after that drink I only had maybe 2 more shots but that was it I should've been straight but I wasn't. Once it was time to go I had to piss and Dave and Malik when got the truck while I went. I started losing consciousness and was just fucked up out of nowhere bumping into shit and after I did what I had to do, I hear a women's voice in the bathroom"

"I been drunk before but this was different I started to feel like I couldn't control myself like I was losing feeling and consciousness, I told her she was in the wrong bathroom and she started walking off to me and I realized it was Ka, she started kissing on me and shit but I pushed her off. Me already being fucked up I was weak. After I finally couldn't hold myself anymore she pushed me to the wall and went down on me while also saying let the drugs kick in."

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