Chapter 41: What really happened?

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Melanie Domani Williams

"You sure you ready to go this?" Ace asked as we sat at this nice brunch place waiting for Monique to show

After a long thought process I finally decided to call her and hear her out. Ace tagged along for my emotional support and to make sure nothing happened of course. I was anxious. Scared. I was feeling hella emotions at once and I didn't know how this would turn out.

Whether it's me snatching this bitch from across the table or us ending on good terms I was okay with either or.

"I'm sure, it'll haunt my mind if I don't" I said biting my lip as he nodded understanding where I was coming from

I watched as she walked in catching my eye as she gave me a soft smile walking over to where we were sitting down which was far in the back just in case lots of emotions where to be handled

"Oh hello, who might you be" She said to Ace

"This is my boyfriend Ac- Arlington" I said introducing him the proper way

He started using his real name a lot when he started being in his business we still call him Ace because it fits him and it's what we are used to or I'll slip with his middle name Omari from time to time

"Nice to Meet you Ms...." He said hesitating

"Perez but you could call me Monique, I ain't that old" She said chuckling as he did a small chuckle also while me on the other hand was still stuck on the whole situation at hand

She cleared her throat "Okay I guess we should start huh?"

"Yeah I guess we should" I said feeling it come out a little smartly as I felt Ace tap my thigh "I mean yeah, I would love to hear your part"

She nodded before clearing her throat again "Me and Melody was very close growing up, we have another sister and a brother but me and her were the youngest so we were inseparable but as we got older we grew apart, starting have different lives and randomly one day she told us she was inlove with a man"

"She introduced us all but our mother knew something was off while our father just welcomed in with open arms because he is just a sweetheart he is. I knew something was wrong with him and it was as all just an act but my sister was happy and I didn't want to ruin her happiness. One day maybe a year after them being together we found out he was in the drug game, a big one at that and my father was upset and betrayed while my mother just knew from the jump"

She hesitated looking at me as I stared at her listening

"Our brother Mark, did not want his sister with someone who was doing that and he told her to leave him but she didn't because she was inlove with him. We also found out he had another child so we all begged and begged but she ended up finding herself pregnant by him. I can lie and say he wasn't inlove with her because he would've did anything for her and that baby. Mark and King fought so bad that Melody left with home and never came back."

"Years had passed but me and her kept in contact. Our parents were missing her like crazy but Melody was a grown women who were they to tell her she couldn't be with a man he had a baby with?? They got married and all. Then randomly as I think you got a little older, she called one day and said he was beating her and she was crying and I started panicking and we all headed to get her to the location she said they were and took her and you but you were so young I don't think you remember"

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