"I love you. I will marry you when I grow up."
It was his promise many years ago. When we are still innocent little child playing on the ground, catching dragonflies and eating lollypop. I know it was silly but I hold on to that promise. Until now. Can you blame me? I'm just a girl who fell deeply in love with the boy who gave me that promise.
I'm still waiting for him. Waiting for him to come back. Waiting for his message. Waiting for him to remember his promise. Our promise. That shit of a promise. The promise who keeps me waiting for nothing. The promise who hurt me. So bad.
Because of this shit picture I encountered on my news feeds. It was him with a long haired blonde woman. I don't know what gotten into me and 'like' their picture when deep inside I do not like it. I hate their picture. It breaks my heart and the pain makes it hard for me to breathe. But he was happy. His eyes reflects how happy he was. It was glimmering. A kind of smile I cannot put on his face. And the caption?
Congratulations, babe! I love you!
What happened to his promise to marry me someday when he has already someone beside him who makes him smile like that? I shouldn't believed his words. I shouldn't believe when he said that he cared for me. I shouldn't believe when he said that he got my back. I shouldn't believe when he said that he will always be there for me when everyone turn their back on me.
But above all, I hate myself.
Because I am still waiting. Waiting until he got tired of her and they broke up. Besides, she is just his girlfriend. Not his fiance. Not his bride. Not his wife. Until he realize that their is someone waiting for him. I still trust his promises. I still love him.
I know I should stop assuming things. I should stop holding on to that promise. After all, he was still four years old when he said it. But I still clearly remember when he made that promise. Are promises really meant to be broken? If it is, it hurts. It hurt like hell!
Like those old days, I grab a pen and an empty paper and let my bitter heart pour it's sadness.
Your Words
The comfort I found in them
The love I felt when you spoke them
It was my strength in my weakness
It was my hope when I felt defeated.Where did they go?
Your words,
I cling to when I fall off the cliff.
Your words,
That made me smile so brightly in a cloudy day.
Your words,
Who made the butterflies fly on my stomach.Your words,
That hurts me now.
Your words,
That broke my heart.
Your words,
That pierced my soul.
Your words,
That made me fall in love with you.❤️❤️❤️
Happy Valentines Day!!!!
This is a last minute story, I want to finish this before Valentine's but it was three days before when I started this. So, only few chapters will only be uploaded.
For those who cannot forget their first love, this is dedicated for you.
Never forget to love yourself, though.Jean Martine

When She Fell in Love
Short StoryIt all started with a confession. They vowed to love each other for the rest of their lives. To be with each other's side through thick and thin. They will be each other's happiness and strength. They will be the best couple to ever live on Earth. A...