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Syd offered me a glass of cold iced tea and I accepted it. I really need a refreshment after the very awkward conversation I had with Aunt Mary. I gulp it down and pass it to him for a refill. I brush my hair with my hands to cool down my head while I wait for  him. I've been always in the hot seat and everytime I lose my composure.

"The oldies are really persistent to the Ken-Collie love team, aren't they?"

I lean my head on his shoulder while he stroke my arms. I did not expect Aunt Mary to drop that kind of question. If our situation is different, maybe I would answer her that it was a privilege to be a part of their family. They are respect and stable on the society. Her son got a degree on a prestigious school abroad and graduated with an academic award. Now, he is a young successful architect.

He is a big catch everyone wants to have. I will not hesitate to marry him if he loves me. But sadly, he did not even court me. The one he courted back then was my highschool friend. Now I thought of it, I even became their bridge in their love story. Such an irony for someone whom he promised to marry someday, right?

"Are you okay?" He questioned again. I nod. "You know what? Maybe it is a sign from the universe telling you that you, two, are really meant for each other."

I push him while I look to him sternly. Seriously, even him, now? He just shrug his shoulders while he's giving his innocent smirk but I know better that he is just teasing me.

"Give me a break! The guy has his life with his girl and I did not wished to be a third party!"

"How can you be the third party when you are the official fiance?"

"Unofficial" I corrected him. Firmly. "Maybe that is the reason why he chosed to stay in America because of our," I paused to search for a correct term to describe our situation but I can't find any aside from, "complicated situation. Maybe he wants to marry his girl but he's afraid of his family's reaction."

"How about your reaction, Ms. Unofficial fiance?"

I look up the ceiling and closed my eyes for a seconds. This is frustrating! How did I end up in this complication? I face him and look straight in his eyes. I calm myself first and breathe for air.

"Syd, I'm living my own life now and he is too. My decision is not to stick in that silly promise, marry someone who I love and love me in return. Not to enter a marriage of one-sided love."

"One-sided." I hate him. "That means that you still love him."

I roll my eyes and walks away from him. I really hate him and I want to hit him in the head right now.

"I decided to finally move on. I'm in the process of moving on."

Yhep, that's all true. I still have the bullshit feelings for him but I accepted the fact that it is already in the past now. Past is past. This is my present and I should enjoy it. I should live my life. This crappy feelings will eventually fade as I love myself more in the process.

But my so called good-friend really had the guts to remind me of my miserable life of waiting.

"What happened to the they-will-soon-break-up-and-come-back-to-me drama?"

"It's in the past, Syd!" I yell to him as I carry the gowns to our sewing area.

"Oh, come on! You even treated me and Hera when he messaged you after graduation." And he really followed me.

"Again, that was before."

I paste their measurements on the table, take the tape measure and marker and started marking the adjustments. He pulled a sit across the table and placed his chin on top of his clasp hands. Oh, no! This is a sign that he will start his interrogation. In other terms, gossip fishing.

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