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"Hi, Collie."

His eyes did not left mine when he said those words. And I was dumbfounded by the shock of seeing him again after a long, long years. The last time I saw him was when we graduated in highschool. It was sixteen years to be exact. But why does my heart keeps on beating nervously?

I turn to the two woman in front of us and they didn't even hide the malice on their smile. There's no need to guest what's inside their heads just by the look of them. It was an expected reunion of two love birds after a long time of separation. But sorry to wipe the scenario out of your heads, it is not a romantic reunion instead a one hell of a disaster!

"Do you like the spaghetti?"

I held my breath again when I turn to him. His eyes was still on me and I avoided to stare back to him. Remember, eyes can't lie and I have a lot of secrets that I don't plan to share  on them. Specially, to him. If before I tell him everything, even my plans in life, now is different.

"Huh? Yes, thank you."

I focus all my attention to my food but I can't really savor it since I was uncomfortable with his presence beside me. At least he is not in front, I will surely can't avoid his eyes.

"Did you became the painter you wanted to become?"

I stop twisting the pasta on my fork when I heard him talk to me again. He remembered that I want to become a painter. I thought he totally forgotten about me since he blocked me on social media. I continued twisting the spaghetti and reminded myself not to look on his direction.

"Ah,no. I became a fashion designer."

"And she's great at it!" Aunt Mary exclaimed. She scroll something on her phone and showed it to him. "She made the gown I wore in Alyana's wedding."

"Wow, you made this?" I felt his eyes on me but I did not look back. "It's beautiful."

"Syd help me with that." Syd suggested that we put some stones on the waist line.

"Syd?" He asked curiously, I can hear it on his tone.

"He's her friend and business partner. They own a shop called Syd&Co. They offers gown rental and sells some of it. They also accept customized designs." My mom explained.

"So, you knew how to sew?"

"Uhm, yes." I nod before feeding myself again.

"Do you still paint?"

"Sometimes." It was my hobby before but now, I paint when I have the mood. Not like before, that I always run out of acrylics. "I'm busy with the shop. That's why."

"Why don't you visit her in their shop?" His mother suggested.

Here we go, again. They are starting to play Cupid. They are telling him again what to do. He can always refuse if he don't want to but he's always been the good son. So, before he could answer, I speak for him.

"Maybe he's busy, Aunt Mary. Or he has other things he want to do."

"Aw, your such a sweet child. You care for him."

I choke on my food. Why do they always put malice on everything I say? I felt someone stroke my back and handed me my drink. I gladly accept it after coughing so hard. I reach for the tissue paper but a handkerchief appeared in front of me. I turn to look who offering it and it was him.

"Like the old days, right Cindy? Look at them!"

Aunt Mary's remark made me aware of our situation. He was so close to me and he's stroking my back. When I did not accept his handkerchief, he was about to wipe my mouth but I snatch it to him and did it for myself. I lean backwards to distance myself from him.

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