Shit! Syd was already here and I just walk out of the bathroom. I put a robe and opened my window. I yell to him to come inside and wait in the living. Good things my parents are not here. Mom woke me before they went out. They said they will go to Aunt Mary's house. Of course I already know why!
"Make yourself comfortable! I'll just fix myself!"
Good thing I prepared what to wear last night. I quickly changed into them and face my mirror. I dry my hair with a towel before combing it, put a powder on my face and a peachy shade on my lips. Grab my bags before closing the door. Oh, wait! My favorite perfume!
Like always Syd is having a coffee in our living room with sandwich in his hand.
"Hera is waiting in the shop. Her niece needed a dress."
We also have casual dresses, all kind of dresses to tell you the truth. I go the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I put a tocino, a sweeten preserved pork meat, in my mouth while making my sandwich. Syd came beside me puting his cup on the table.
"I reserved the last drop for you."
I gulp it down and wash it quickly before putting it on the dish drainer. I took my sandwich and pulled my trolley.
"Hera is asking where we are."
"We're on the way!"
On the way to his car, out of our house. I glance on my wrist watch and it's already ten in the morning! This is already usual to us. Well, I slept late last night. Remember, I rained my tears out 'til the last drop so I can smile today.
Oh, enough of my broken heart! It's time to enjoy the vocation!
It was already past eleven when we arrived in the shop. And Hera is sitting on the couch with her legs hooked on it's arm. Her things on the corner and the box he gave yesterday was on the table.
"I thought you changed your minds and stood me up!" She exclaimed.
"It was because of Collie and her sloooow moving."
"I woke up late, sorry. I packed my things before going to bed."
"What's this?" Syd peek on the paper bag on the table. "It's a food!"
"Let's go, the caretaker has been waiting for us." We help her with her things and went to the door. "Aren't you getting this, Collie?" She motioned to the box.
"I'll put it here." Syd put it inside the paper bag. "It's light. I wonder what it is."
I ignore him and stock Hera's bag on the car. She sit on the back with her things. Syd pass to me the paper bag and inspect the box. There was a small card attached to it.
It's one hundred pieces. The way you always like your jigsaw to be.
He gave me a jigsaw puzzle and he said to open it before his engagement. What would I get from it?
"What it is?"
"Jigsaw." I answered briefly.
"What? Jigsaw?" Hera leaned to us. "He looks very serious when he said to give it you and it is just a jigsaw? I thought it was something important!"
"What's important is," Syd start the engine, "are you ready to go?"
"Let's go!" We all excitedly yell.
* * *
I stretch up my arms and breathe for fresh air. We're here after almost a two hour drive. We take a lot of pictures on the way here. When we saw a spot that we think is a picture perfect, we strike a lose again. It was fun!

When She Fell in Love
Short StoryIt all started with a confession. They vowed to love each other for the rest of their lives. To be with each other's side through thick and thin. They will be each other's happiness and strength. They will be the best couple to ever live on Earth. A...