Halloween dance

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Sam went in your room quietly so she wouldn't wake Robby up then you slowly got out of bed and you and Sam did your guys morning routine and ate breakfast then you and Sam drove to school and went to all of your classes then you guys went to lunch and you sat with Sam Yasmine and Moon then you heard one of the teachers saying something about the school dance but you didn't pay attention then Aisha turned to Sam and said so I was thinking I go as sodium and you go as chloride then when people ask what we are we do this then Aisha pours salt on the table then Yasmine says what is that some dumb inside joke you guys have then Aisha says it's not really inside sodium chloride is tablet salt then Yasmine said she was kidding then Sam says we actually decided to go as laker girls Aisha said oh then she said maybe we could order another there one size fits all which suddenly seems like false advertising Yasmine said then you get a text from Robby that says hey babe sorry can't make it to the Halloween dance I have work and training sorry love you 😘 you reply and say🥺that's fine love you too😘 then you look online at costumes and see a cute devil girl costume and see that it will arrive today so you buy it then you and Sam go to the rest of your classes then go home and Sam says where's Robby you say he had to work and train with dad Sam says oh then what are you going as you say while we were at lunch I ordered a devil girl costume and I think it just arrived you open the door and you see your package so you and Sam eat and shower then you guys put makeup on and put your costumes on and go to the Halloween dance then Sam goes to dance with Kyler and you see the new kid staring at you so you decided to walk up to him and ask him his name and he tells you it's Miguel you say oh well my name is y/n he says he knows you say oh well wanna dance he said sure then you guys danced and he said he had to go to the bathroom so you waited for him but then he didn't come back so you thought he ditched you then you went over to Sam Moon and Yasmine then Yasmine says so where's your boyfriend you say umm he's working she says oh ok not believing you then you say what you don't believe that I have a boyfriend she said well you said he was coming and last Thursday you said you haven't seen him in a week because he's been busy and know you say he's working Sam says she does have one he lives at our house Yasmine says ok then invite me to dinner when he's off you guys say ok then Sam and Kyler go somewhere so you decide to go home but Yasmine and Moon ask you if they can stay over you said yeah when you got home you saw Robby eating dinner with your parents so you said hi babe then he said hi babe and kisses you then you say hi to your parents then you say Robby this is Yasmine and Moon Yasmine and Moon this is my boyfriend Robby says it's nice to meet you Yasmine and Moon say it's nice to meet you too then you tell your parents they asked if they could sleepover and I said yeah then you say we're gonna go upstairs you're parents say ok then you guys talk and paint each other's nails then Yasmine says so I saw you dancing with the new kid you said it's nothing we're just friends and I have a boyfriend that I love a lot Moon says someone's at the door then you go to look and see Robby you say what's up babe he says I was going to bed and heard you guys talking so I waited also this new kid are you sure I have nothing to worry about you said no we're no even friends I was just being nice and you weren't there so I was lonely he said oh ok sorry I was training you say I know it's fine babe you can go to bed we're just gonna talk quietly till Sam comes so they can sleep in there ok love you goodnight baby Robby says goodnight babe then Robby goes to bed and Sam got home so you said hi Sam Yasmine and Moon are sleeping over and since Robby sleeps with me can they sleep in your room Sam says yes then you all do your night routine and go to bed

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