Beach day and new toys

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You woke Robby up and say happy birthday then Robby says let's go to the beach and you say ok then you guys eat, waffles and sausages with syrup then you guys get towels, sunscreen, sunglasses and bathing suits then you guys drive to the beach and the first thing you guys do is put sunscreen on and tan then you guys go swimming for a little then you guys make a sandcastle and buy blue raspberry slushies and hamburgers and fries then you guys went home and you helped him with his punches and karate kicks before he had to train for karate then he had to go so you played with Charlie and got him more bones and toys till Robby was done training you decided to get him a monkey, squeaky ball and cookies and milk then Robby comes home and says aww he loves his new toys then you guys play with Charlie and throw his toys so he can fetch them then you guys take him for a walk then then he goes to the bathroom then you guys go back home and go in your guys room and watch your favorite movies with some popcorn first you guys watch It then you guys cuddle with Charlie then Sam comes in and says can I dogsit Charlie tomorrow then you guys can have a date you guys say sure then you guys go back to watching the movie and you give Charlie a bone for being a good boy then Robby kissed you and you kissed him back then you're dad asks if you wanna train tomorrow with Robby and you say yeah I'll train with Robby tomorrow he says ok love you y/n you say love you to dad then he leaves and you guys make out for a little then you go back to watching the movie when you guys finish it you guys watch child's play then Robbys phone starts ringing during the scene we're everyones phone goes off then Robby answers it and says hello chucks you laugh then you get scared when there's a pop up scene then you guys cuddle then the movie finishes and you guys say goodnight to everybody and then you guys say goodnight to each other and put Charlie in his cage and go to sleep.

Robby Keene xreader I love you always Where stories live. Discover now