The date/last part

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You and Robby get out of bed you both do your guys morning routine then you go into the kitchen to cook Robby takes Charlie outside and feeds him then he gives him some water.

You and Robby sit down and eat pancakes hash browns and sausages Robby says I got an idea. You says what? He says how about we go on a date? You says ok what time. He says at 7:00. You say ok. Since I'm done eating I'm going to go get ready and then go to the mall and buy something to wear. Robby says ok.

At the mall
You find a black romper with sun flowers on it you say I think this is pretty cute. So you put it in the cart and pay for it then you go back home.

You go into the shower when you finish showering you put the romper on and straighten your hair then you put some makeup up on.

You check your phone and see the you got a text from Robby so you open it.

Hey you ready princess?
Yeah I'm
ready love you

Ok I'm on my way.

I'm here

Ok I'm

Robby rings the doorbell you go to answer it he says oh hello beautiful. You says hello handsome. Robby says are you ready. You say yeah. Robby says ok come on. You and Chris go outside and get in the car.

You and Robby drop Charlie off at your parents house then he drives you to a fancy restaurant.

You guys go inside you say wow you must really love me. He says yep. You giggle he grabs your hand and says ok come on. A guy shows you guy to your table you guys talk for little and then eat.

When you guys finish eating you and Robby go home he pushes you on the bed and starts kissing your neck and leaves you hickeys then you guys make out for a while until he says I'm gonna go shower. You wanna shower with me?
You say no I already showered and I'm kind of tired but I'm gonna go pick Charlie up. Robby says ok and goes into the bathroom.

You drive to your parents room Sam open the door you say hi I came to pick Charlie up. She says oh okay here he is. You say thanks. She says no problem bye love you. You say bye love you too sis. You hug her then go back into the car and leave.

when you get home you take Charlie outside and give him some food and water then you go into you and Robby's shred room you see Robby on your guys bed sleeping you smile and says he's so cute when he sleeping well he's cute all the time but this is really cute. In your head then you go into the bathroom and do your night routine then you put Charlie in his bed and get into bed you cuddle up against Robby he puts his arms around you feel safe in his arms. Robby says I love you babe good night in a sleepy voice. Then he kisses your forehead you say I love you too babe good night see you in the morning. And kiss his cheek then you both go to sleep.

Sorry this was a short chapter.

I'm going to make a second book btw ok bye love you all thanks for all the votes and reads bye😊🥰.

Robby Keene xreader I love you always Where stories live. Discover now