Chapter One: The reason why

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Hey guys, this is my last restart of the 'It started early' series with Harmione. So sorry if this story isn't very good, I'm 19 and I'm taking writing classes so I'm still learning.
Published: February 22, 2021

It was another day at school for a young boy named Harry. Harry was in the fifth grade. The teacher, Ms. Smith had walked into the classroom. She greeted the classs and introuduced herself to the children, then she told the class that they had a new student. The new student was a young girl, Hermione. Hermione came into the room, and Ms. Smith had told her to sit anywhere, the young girl chose to sit next to Harry. Hermione had bushy brown hair, eyes the color of cinnamon and her skin was a tan. She had looked over to Harry and started to introduce herself to him. Harry hadn't answered. He completely and straight up ignored her. He stared at the teacher, miserably.

"Rude." Hermione whispered, turning her head away from Harry and looking the teacher.

Harry had heard what she said. He did not look at her, nor did he care if he was rude or not. He hated school. He he hated everything. Ms. Smith had told the kids to quiet down, since the children would quite rowdy today. Within a few hours, it was time for recess. While the other kids played and played and played, young Harry sat alone on the bench, silently eating his lunch pretending that he does not exist. While Harry ate his lunch, Hermione came up to him, sat down and started eating her sandwhich that was made from her mother.

"Hey, how come you didn't answer me back in math class?" She asked him, take a bite of her salami and cheese sandwich.

Harry had looked off to the side. It wasn't that he could talk, he just chose not to. He had his reason as to why he chose not to speak.

"Did I do something to you?" She asked him, looking in his direction.

"Is this your way of small talk?" He finally spoke up, having a look of annoyance on his face.

"Oh, so you can talk. Don't be so rude, I just wanted to talk." Hermione said, packing up her lunch.

"Well, I don't." Harry replied, clearly upset.

"Then you could have said that!" She said, slowly raising her voice.

"You don't know anything about me!" Harry spat.

Harry had gotten up and walked away from her, leaving Hermione to glare at him angrily. He was walking, he accidentally bumped into his cousin, Dudley and his gang. The last thing that Harry wanted was to run into Dudley and his friends. He hated them. His cousin always made fun of him and bullied him with his friends. Most the time, Dudley and his gang beat him up and jumped him. By the time Dudley was done beating on him, Harry's nose would be bleeding, he would have scratches upon scratches on his face, his glasses broken, and his mouth would be bloody. His body would be broken and battered.

As Harry bumped into dudley, he felt to the ground because of Dudley's body knocking him over. Dudley had turned around and looked at Harry. He then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Please guys, I don't want any trouble." Harry said, trembling scaredly.

Dudley had punched Harry in the face hard, causing him to bleed out of his nose. His friends had started to join in and beat up Harry. Soon, they stopped beating up Harry. Harry fell to the ground with a bloody nose, bloody lips and his glasses all broken. Hermione had secretly watched Harry get beaten.

Soon after a while, it was time for the children leave. Hermione was happy that it was time. Meanwhile, Harry had dreaded this. You see, he lived with his cousin and things don't ever go well. While waiting for her parents to arrive, she watched all of the families leave. All except one. Mr. Dursley, the boy's uncle, arrived very unhappily. Dudley had told his father what had happened between him and Harry. He had lied on Harry and said that he punched him in the face. His uncle had pulled Harry close by his shirt in an aggressive way.

"You listen to me now, boy. When we get home, you are getting an ass beating, and no food for a week. Do you hear me?!" His uncle told him, aggressively releasing his shirt.

Harry had looked as if he were about to cry. And he did. He had cried silently, trying to keep quiet because he didn't want his uncle to hear him sobbing. He hadn't wanted his uncle to see him crying because he would hit him, slap him, call him weak. It was only seconds that Hermione's parents arrived to pick her up from school. She gave them a hug and a kiss. When they asked her how her day went, she had thought about Harry.

"Mum, dad. There's a boy in my class who gets abused by his uncle and cousin, badly. We need to do something. I was wondering if he could live with us?" She asked her parents.


If you guys want me to elaborate more, let's explain. Now as we can see, Harry was being rude to Hermione. He had a reason. He was angry, since he gets abused at home, he finds it easier to take his anger issues out on everyone else. He seemed to think no one would understand what he was going through. Because of this, he's hadn't had a single friend. He only got annoyed with Hermione because he thinks she is only talking to him to pity him when she doesn't even know him. Any questions or comments on this?

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