Chapter 4 - Mafia

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"Billy! Billlyyyy!"I scream at the dumbass. He was still ignoring me, even though I'm pretty sure he could hear me.

I storm up to him angrily, and grab his wrist so he would look at me. He just sighs, and he signals that he's ready to go into the movie theaters.

After watching the movie, we head out. He strangely hasn't looked at me at all, so I discreetly look him into the eyes.

Once I had seen his dark blue orbs,I immediately melted and went weak in the knees. It almost felt like I had went into a trance, a deep trance.....


"Is she going to wake up? I feel like I hypnotized her a bit too much than intended...." "She'll be fine, stop worrying you dipshit." My eyes start to slowly open, and then I realize that I'm not in my room!

I instantly scream as loud as I can, and then I see Billy in front of me. "Woah, how the fuck did you come here so fast?" I ask, confused. "Well, I was like wanting to show you some real speed like flash...." he says with a proud, but uncertain voice. 

"Look, I had to kidnap you because your mom's grandaughter's cousin's father's mother's niece is the leader of our enemy's mafia." 

"Wait, so you're telling me that my mom's grandaughter's cousin's father's mother's niece is the leader of your enemy's mafia? That's strange, how did I not know that?"I say, clearly confused of the situation. 

"Look, I don't have time to talk to you because I have to go do mafia stuff. Okay, bye,"he quickly says. "Wait, but what mafia stuff are you going to do? Might as well ask since you decided to kidnap me,"I ask Billy, which is returned with a cold glare.

"I don't know alright, I just have to say I'm doing mafia stuff even though I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing half the time..."he responds and walks away rapidly, without letting me ask more questions.

I thought to myself of how my mom's grandaughter's cousin's father's mother's niece could be an enemy of Billy's mafia. Everything seemed strange, but I slept it off because the bed sheets were really cozy.

Once I woke up, I found a handsome stranger gawking at me. Wait, who the fuck is this guy and why is he in this room?

I started to scream, but he stopped me from doing so and whispered, "I am here to save you, mi cherie. The leader from my mafia has brought me here to take you to our place, so you have to believe me. Sounds good with you?"the mysterious stranger says in a thick italian accent.

"Who the fuck is my cherry? I mean, I'll gladly go with you because you're hot but my name isn't cherry!"I exclaim loudly. 

He gives me a stern glare, which means I should probably shut up. I don't really ever shut up though, so that should be fun for the hot stranger.

"Yes, I know your name is not mi cherie. That is just a word in french, so calm down you idiot. And my name is Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegetlsteinhausenbergerdor," Hubert says in a calm, soothing voice.

Woah, that was a really hot name. I looked to Hubert and smiled. "Can we leave now, because Billy is starting to get boring."

"Sure, but we have to run very quickly,"he says in a hushed tone.

We then run very discreetly like penguins and make our way to his fancy car. 

"Driver, you know where to go,"he tells the driver who is driving. I stare dreamily at Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegetlsteinhausenbergerdor, who gave me even more butterflies than Billy. Thank goodness Billy didn't see us, or maybe he had seen us.....


Y'all, I searched up Italian names and I know it's not Italian but I wanted to choose a really long name for the fun of it. Anyways, I hope you guys hate this story as much as I do. Don't forget to vote, add the book to your library, and comment <3 💕

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