Chapter 2

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3rd Pov:

                                                 'This is going to be one hell of a day'

Y/n watched as Wilbur rummaged through draws and cabinets. Wilbur pulled out white medical tape, he took your hands again wrapped the tape around your middle finger and pointer finger. He met your gaze and said ¨Just keep your fingers taped together alright.¨

¨Okay¨ Y/n responded blankly.  You both walked down to only be greeted by the smell of smoke and burnt eggs. 

¨FUCK¨ Wilbur yelled as he ran to the stove, turning it off before a fire started. He scraped the burnt eggs into the garbage bin. Wilbur put the pan in the sink before turning to Y/n.   ¨You up for cereal?¨ he said avoiding eye contact. 

¨Yeah sure¨ Y/n said making your way over to the cabinets that held bowls. Wilbur went over to the fridge and grabbed the milk. Wilbur walked over to grab the cereal and spoons. Wilbur and Y/n both ate in silence.  Wilbur looked over to the clock ¨Shit Y/n you have to go.¨ Y/N ate quickly before putting on shoes and grabbing a bag. ¨The bus stop is just and the end of the street¨ Wilbur said and kissed Y/n forehead goodbye. 

Y/N Pov:

I waved goodbye to my brother and walked down to where he said the bus stop was. Sure enough a bus pulled in. You walked up and walked towards the back. You found a empty seat and pilled out your phone and a pair of airpods. You put on a random playlist, you sighed looking at the cars and buildings fly by. The bus came to a halt in front of the place you dreaded the most. You got up from your seat and put you phone and airpods away. You walked off the bus and into the school. You walked down the halls heading towards you locker. You opened your locker, putting your bag and books away. You felt a tap on your shoulder, turning around you saw...

                                                                           Word count: 356

I hope you all have a nice night or day 

- Karma

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