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the next day at school beomgyu and yeonjun were sitting at a lunch table in the cafeteria

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the next day at school beomgyu and yeonjun were sitting at a lunch table in the cafeteria. yeonjun was waiting for soobin to pass by so he could give him the potion, he hoped it would work. "why do you keep looking around?" beomgyu asked as he watched his friend look around the cafeteria like he was looking for someone.

"i'm waiting for soobin to pass by." yeonjun said looking at beomgyu. "why?" beomgyu asked. "uh, because i wanna ask him something." just as yeonjun said that soobin walked up to their table. "hey guys have you seen taehyun?" soobin asked. "yeah he went to the library to study." beomgyu said. "cool thanks see you guys later." soobin said and was gonna walk away.

"wait!" yeonjun said stopping soobin. "what?" soobin said. "i made you a smoothie this morning cause i know you never like breakfast." yeonjun said holding the potion that was now in a smoothie cup with a straw. "aw thanks yeonjun." soobin said smiling. he took the drink and drank it. "mmm this is delicious."

yeonjun waited for something to happen, but nothing happened to soobin.

but suddenly something started happening to yeonjun. "why are you here?" yeonjun asked looking at soobin in disgust. "what do you mean? i came over to ask where taehyun was remember?" soobin said to yeonjun confused why he was suddenly acting weird.

yeonjun rolled his eyes annoyed and said, "what am i gps? go find him yourself."

beomgyu suddenly felt the need to get soobin away from yeonjun. "uh soobin i think you should go help taehyun with his homework." beomgyu said getting up from his seat. "you're right see you guys later." soobin said glancing at yeonjun with hurt in his eyes and then walked away.

"what the heck was that?!" beomgyu said "i thought you were in love with soobin, why would you treat him like dirt?"  "i'm not in love with soobin and he deserves to be treated like dirt he's a nobody compared to my kai." yeonjun said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "who's kai?" beomgyu asked confused.

"i'm kai." beomgyu and yeonjun turned around to see the dangerous warlock in front of them wearing a smirk on his doll face and wearing their school uniform. yeonjun squealed excited. "baby!" he yelled happily and tackled him in a hug.

beomgyu stood there watching the scene with horror in his eyes, then he fainted.

(to be continued. thank you guys so much for reading hope you enjoyed the chapter. ps do you think i should start adding gifs on top before the chapter? stay safe xx monies~ 💜)

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