4: 🔮

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everyone getting ready for the halloween party


soobin came over to yeonjuns house, and yeonjun would have been happy but he only did to, once again nag him to go the party. soobin told him he had to go cause it was a special night again. yeonjun finally gave in and went to the party. he went as jack dawson from titanic. he wore this⬇️

he left his hair un-gelled though

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he left his hair un-gelled though.

yeonjun so did not want to go but he said he would so. he walked to the party and when he got there his friends were already on a sugar high. especially beomgyu. as expected taehyun and soobin were ignoring everything but each other. yeonjun couldn't stand there and watch them so he told beomgyu he was leaving. "what? you just got here." beomgyu said.

"yeah and now i'm leaving." yeonjun said annoyed. "let me walk back home with you." beomgyu said getting up from his seat. "no you stay here it's ok." yeonjun said faking a smile. "you might get lost though." beomgyu said worriedly. yeonjun chuckled, "how? i only live a few blocks away from here."

"cause you've never walked back from here. plus it's a full moon." beomgyu said scared. "what? you think i'll meet the warlock? look i'll be fine." yeonjun then turned around and started walking away. "but yeonjun!-" but it was too late yeonjun was already out of sight.


"stupid crushes, stupid soobin, stupid cowardliness?" yeonjun muttered angrily to himself as he was walking. "augh yeonjun why can't you ever just say how you feel?!" he scolded himself. he was so lost in thought he didn't realize he was lost, in the woods. he looked around him to see if any of his surroundings were familiar to him but nope, he was definitely lost. "great, i'm lost." he said aloud to himself.

he sighed and continued walking hoping that he would somehow find his way out of here. as he turned and walked through some blue flowers on the ground he saw from a not to far distance a house that looked abandoned. the house was painted black on the house and had a few windows. he saw the house's wood door wide open.

"should i take a peek inside?" yeonjun asked himself in a whisper while still staring curiously at the mysterious looking house. "maybe the house belongs to someone that could help me find my way home." yeonjun said trying to convince himself that going inside the house was a good idea.

before he realized he was already inside the house. the house had creaky wood floors and a red table with a black chair. as yeonjun looked around the house with his eyes he saw a few glass cabinets. he walked towards them and saw there was little bottles inside with colorful strange liquids inside of the bottles. he saw the bottles had labels on them but one in Particular caught his attention. a bottle he grabbed had the name, "Forever" on it.

"what is this stuff?" he whispered to himself while looking up at the cabinets. "what are you doing in here?!" a boys voice suddenly shouted angrily. yeonjun being startled by the voice looked up and dropped the bottle he was holding, but before he could crash on the ground and break a stream of blue ocean light shot out of his fingers and the bottle was now floating in mid air.

with fearful eyes yeonjun looked at the bottle that was still floating and then at the boy that looked about 18. he was wearing a black shirt, a white jacket over it, and a black cape draped over his shoulders. he had brown hair that we- oh no, no, no! he was-

suddenly the boy who had fiery in his eyes that were looking straight at him moved the bottle with a gesture of his hand, so now the bottle that was floating next to him was now floating above his head. the boy was about to let go of the floating object so it would fall on yeonjun and knock him out or possibly kill him but before he could yeonjun pleaded desperately, "wait! stop please, don't kill me!"

"and why shouldn't i?" the young looking warlock asked looking at yeonjun with a murderous look. "look, i was walking home and i got lost in the woods, and i was that whoever lived here would give me directions on how to get home. i honestly didn't know you lived here." yeonjun really fast and nervously.

"if that's the case, then why were you going through my cabinets?" the dangerous boy questioned in a Demanding tone he was walking towards yeonjun like a hunter walks towards an animal. yeonjun gulped in fear and said,

i'm really sorry, honestly just please have mercy and don't kill me." yeonjun pleaded desperately. he was so afraid that he started crying.

just as the young powerful boy was gonna kill the pink haired boy but rethought it when he saw how beautiful the boy was and instead softly caressed the humans face and said, "open your eyes for me boy." he said in a creepily whisper. when the pretty boy didn't obey the warlock he got angry and said, "open your eyes now! or else i'll have to make them open." he said his magic already streaming through his fingertips.

fearing what the warlock could do to him yeonjun sloes opened his teary brown eyes. and as soon as the warlock saw those eyes he grinned evilly and said, "i'll help you find your way home."

yeonjuns eyes brightened and said, "you will?! thank yo- wait i actually, want your help with something else, do you think you could help me make a boy fall in love with me?"

"of course human, i am at your Service." the warlock said in a fake nice tone while faking a smile.

ah, another victim, perfect, expect this time i'll make sure he is only mine for all of eternity the dangerous young warlock thought to himself.


hope you enjoyed the chapter

stay safe 🔮

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