13🔮 part 1

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disclaimer any places or people i use in this story are not mine unless i say they are

this is gonna be a long chapter so get ready lol

*night time*

yeonjun pov

i'm so excited! tonight i already decided i'm gonna kiss kai. every time i try to he moves away. i think he's just shy which is so cute. i don't really have a costume. i'm wearing a red shirt with hearts on it, white poke a dot pants, red boots with a red crown on my head. i guess you could say i'm the king of hearts or something.

i walked out of my room and ran downstairs. "bye mom i'm heading to the party." i said kissing her cheek and ran out the door. "be back by 12 midnight remember!" i heard her call after me.

as i started heading to the spell bash festival i felt my phone ding in my pocket. "hello?" i said picking it up.

"dude where are you? you're missing the costume contest!" i heard beomgyu yell at me over the phone. i laughed at gyu. i could already tell he had too many candy apples probably. "i'm walking through the gate now." i said and hung up the phone putting it back in my pocket.

the place looked awesome. there was multi colored lights hung up on the trees, candy and food scattered across tables, games etc.

taehyun who was dressed up in jacks clothes from titanic came running towards me with a panicked look on his face. "save me! beomgyu is chasing me cause i ate the last wicked sour ice cream."

i rolled my eyes annoyed. "really? i just got here and i already have to save you from a scary hyper beomgyu?" taehyun just nodded. "come back here taehyun i'm gonna drown you in the bobbing for apples!" i heard beomgyu yell anger in his voice.

taehyun quickly hid behind me as beomgyu came running towards our direction with a bucket full of water and apples in his hands. how did he even get that? i don't know.

taehyun screamed probably making me deaf now. "stop it!" i yelled. beomgyu halted just as he was about to pour the bucket on taehyun. "can't we just have fun tonight? it's halloween after all." i said.

"but he ate-"

"just go ask jimin or taehyung to get more ice cream. they are the ones who own this place after all." i told beomgyu. he pouted but said, "fine" and walked away.

"phew" taehyun said breathing a sigh of relief and came out from hiding behind me.

"hey where's soobin?" i asked my blonde haired friend realizing that the blue haired boy was missing.

"oh he's helping with the Fortune telling booth. for some reason he really wanted to do it. don't know why." taehyun said.

just as i was about to ask if he'd seen kai i saw him coming out of a flower shop wearing a smirk and he was holding a wand. i walked over to him. "hey babe." i said smiling. he flinched and pointed the wand at me, but once he saw it was me his facial expression changed and he lowered the wand. he was wearing a black cap, black shirt, black pants and black sneakers.

"oh it's just you." kai said. i laughed, "why, were you expecting someone else?"

"no of course not you're the only one for me." kai said. i blushed. "uh nice costume." i said. "you too." kai said. "thanks." i said. "hey what are you hiding behind your back?" i asked

kai blushed and revealed a beautiful single yellow rose. "for you" he said handing it to me. i took it gratefully.

"wanna go on the carousel?" kai asked me. i nodded and we walked towards the ride holding hands and i was holding the rose with my other hand.

"oh yeonjunnie?"

"yes?" i said looking at kai. "whatever you do don't lose that rose. please it's really special." i smiled at my handsome boyfriend. "i promise i won't lose it."


soobins pov

"look it's not a real crystal ball i'm sorry." i said to the boy annoyed. "but you said if i won 50 tickets i would get a makeup."

"i lied!" i yelled. the teenage boy looked scared and ran away.

i sighed. getting bored already i took out my phone and started playing "protect the Penguin" just as i was about to beat level 5 my phone started getting a call, the screen read "unknown" curious who it was i answered it putting it to my ear. "hello?" i said to the caller.

"soobinne, you answered thank goodness. listen to me, you and your friends are in dang-"

"who is this?" i asked confused.

"it's me, huening."

"you're lying!" i said refusing to believe it was the boy who made me feel guilty, who made me change who i was, who reminded me of all my mistakes.

"turn around" i heard.

i turned around. i couldn't believe my eyes it had to be a illusion. standing there wearing a white black striped shirt jeans and converse, was huening who looked 21 years old now. he was holding a little boy who looked 5 years old. he looked exactly like me.

"hi soobin." huenimg said looking at me with anger.

"what- how- why?" i stuttered nervously, looking at huening then at the little boy with brown hair.

huening put up his hand that wasn't holding the little boy's, "i'm not here for you, or for chit chat, i'm just here to warn you about kai and help you guys defeat him. "

i was about to ask something when suddenly i noticed my hair changed from blue to purple. i gasped. "did you-"

"no i didn't do anything, harry here has magic just like me and my bro." huening said ruffling the little boy's hair affectionately.

"is he mine?" i asked. bad idea on my part cause suddenly the crystal ball that was laying on the table was thrown across the air and shattered against a wall.

maybe crossing someone with magic was a bad idea.

"you're lucky that harry is here cause if not then i would do much worse to you then that." huening said angrily. "daddy!" the little boy named harry yelled happily, he floated up in the air and hugged me with his little arms. i gently held his waist, now carrying him.

i was looking at huening who was now in front of me with wide eyes. "he knows i'm his dad?" huening rolled his eyes "of course he does, you may be a monster to me, but i still want harry to know his dad."

hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

thanks for reading

monies~ xx

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