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kai was getting stuff from his locker. it was a paper filled with everything yeonjun likes and hates and his secrets. at the bottom it said hope your plan works babe. Felix ~

kai smiled down at the words on the paper. "what you have there?" soobin asked glancing at the paper. kai quickly shoved the paper in his pocket and slammed his locker shut. "i don't know what you're talking about." kai said playing innocent.

"i'm on to you fallen angel i know you put my best friend under a spell." soobin said glaring at kai. kai chuckled darkly, "yeah and?"

"and i will find a way to get him out of it and put you behind bar-" the brown haired boy suddenly had soobin slammed against a set of lockers holding him by the shirt collar, "listen grape juice, you dare mess with my plan, and i'll out your secret to everyone."

"i don't have a secret." soobin spat at kai glaring at him angrily.

"oh really? does huening ring a bell to you?" kai asked the purple haired boy.

"no it doesn't." soobin lied. "come on i'm sure you remember my sweet older brother, right?" kai said in a taunting way and tilted his head slightly.

"fine i won't do anything, but promise me you won't kill my friend." soobin said with a shaky voice he was suddenly vulnerable. "i don't believe in making promises i can't keep." kai said and smirked evilly. he then let go of soobin and walked away to class.

soobin was frozen in place against the lockers, his whole body felt weak, his legs couldn't hold him up causing him to fall down on his butt, he put his head in his knees and started started sobbing while panting. he suddenly didn't know what to do.

hope you enjoyed the chapter

thanks for reading monies~ xx

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