Dont please.

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Swearing yelling crying suicidal thoughts/actions self harm/mental harm #GAYJOHNLAURENSSUPREMACY #IMDEFOGAY (REAL WARNING!)

Hi everybody I suggest listening to the songs above before or while you read these next few chapters!

"Hm you okay?"Freddy looked at me and I looked back

"Yeah"I nudged him after letting go of the hug "haha thanks"Freddy rubbed his shoulder where I nudged him.

"I'm exhausted"I yawned rubbing my eyes tiredly "Freddy put me down!"I yelled angrily hitting Freddy

"no I want you to stay awake!"Freddy spun me round quite quickly "you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round"Freddy spun me round faster saying that

"Fredddddyyyy!"I yelled hitting Freddy that would definitely causing him to get bruises "Ugh I'm awake now!"

Freddy put me down and left me a peck on my cheek "wanna go?"Freddy asked holding my hand again "not until I get a dog!"I laughed again making sure I looked serious  "Hm what breed?"Freddy walked me out and searched up 24 hour pet stores

"wait really?"I asked clinging to him "if you want?"Freddy smirked looking at me "puppy puppy puppy!"I hugged him putting my head to fit gently in his neck "That one!"I pointed at the screen and he nodded

"okay wanna go get her?" "YESSSSSS"

1 hour later

Freddy pov:

"You happy?"I looked at Baby hugging the puppy I got her while I held a bag full of its stuff.

"Yeshhhhh!"Baby shouted while we walked back "puppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppypuppy puppy puppy!!!!!!"Baby shouted again with a huge smile her bright green eyes glimmering in the moon and street lights.

I could fall into her emerald eyes if I looked at them long enough

Just like she said she could fall into my eyes if she stared at them long enough.

"I can't believe she did this..."

"What can I say bro? You got depressed you fell into a spiral it's not your fault nor hers"

"She's carrying my children she could've wait until they were grown up!"

"Freddy you snapped she probably couldn't bare it she probably snapped aswell"

>>time skip 2 months<<

"Freddy are you sure okay?"Baby sat down beside me with a worried expression

"Yes"I sat up quickly and walked away to a different point in the room

"That's it Freddy. You have been blocking me out not talking angry snappings at anytime and I caught the cigarette boxes in your drawer

I-Im breaking up with you."

Tears boiled up in my eyes the memories of me and her flooded in my mind the cute times the nsfw times the cuddlings the hugs

"B-baby I'm sorry please don't!"tears streamed down my cheek and her expression had no sympathy sadness or anything

"I'll put your  stuff from my room into a box I'll give it to you later don't worry I won't keep anything or cut burn or anything"Baby walked out her voice didn't tremble nor her walk not even her movements tremble

I grabbed glasses from the cabinet and shoved them onto the ground "AFTER EVERYTHING"


3rd person POV:

Freddy looked at the knife on the counter imaging the feeling of cutting would be like
Aka after he did it he knew it felt good.

Freddy has actions after something bad happens.
He thinks everything is terrible he just starts bad moves or something.
That's what he did this time..

"Hey yeah dude it's me mhm how much for a couple packs?"
"Okay I'll get you the money soon"
Freddy put down his phone put on a hoodie covering his blood and went to his sisters room

"Susie it's me open the god damn door now"Freddy yelled still having tears running down his cheeks

"Freddy what's wrong?"She opened the door seeing freddy a complete wreck.

"She left me she fucking left"He clutched my hand into a fist but then released it thinking of her smiles and her in a frog hoodie or in his hoodies.


"Yeah she fucking left me!"
"Just I couldn't stay in my room for that long I thought I could stay here for a couple of hours and clear my mind?"Freddy said holding back sobs.

🌹Baby x Freddy🌹Where stories live. Discover now