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This isn't a real chapter just something to read while I write the next chapter!
"It's illegal to smoke in cars now"Freddy said and sat his phone down. "Second hand smoke and a child inhaling toxins or some shit" "that's bull crap my dad smoked in the car with me and my brothers without the windows down and we turned out fine!" Baby said and everybody in the room looked at her.

Not even an hour before:

"FUNTIME FREDDY I WILL WHACK THIS BAT OVER YOUR HEAD AND THEN RIP OUT YOU VOICE BOX AND SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROAT!"Baby yelled as she ran down the hallway. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"ft. Freddy yelled as he ran down the hallway. "YES YOU DID!" "WHAT DID I DO?! WHAT DID I DO HUH?"He screamed back as he ran into a closet and locked the door.

FUNTIME FREDDY OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE FREDDY OPEN THE DOOR. FREDDY CAN WE NOT FIGHT ANYMORE PLEASE, CAN WE NOT FIGHT ANYMORE. FREDDY SURE YOU'RE SCARED IVE BEEN THERE I CAN SET YOU FREE. FREDDY DONT MAKE ME COME IN THERE IM GONNA COUNT TO THREE! ONE...TWO...FUCK IT!" Baby let the curse word slip out but Freddy pulled her away. "Freddy motherfucking fazbear let me go!"Baby whined as he dragged her away. "No you're not committing anymore felonies, you reached your monthly limit last night, also why'd you quote heathers while yelling?"Freddy asked and Baby scoffed. "Because I can"Baby said back. "shut it with the attitude missy"Freddy warned as he sat her down.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw"Baby rolled her eyes. "STOP QUOTING HEATHERS!"

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