LOUD! pt 2(Third Pov)

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Miu put her down and grabbed my hand and spun her into her body. "Girl, you've got to learn to stand out, And stick out from the crowd!" and then she spun her out of her grasp "A little less flat! A lot more heel! A little less fact! A lot more feel! A little less brains! A lot more hair! A little less head! A lot more derriere!" Miu sings as she lets Himiko go and Himiko falls into gonta's arms and does a trust fall. (Basically, everyone is doing a HUGE dance break with each other)         "No-one's going to tell you when to shake your tush well. You've got a light, don't hide it under a bushel! Oh, no-one's going to listen if you don't stand out! No-one's going to listen if you don't shout out!" Miu sings as she grabs Himiko's hands and spins her around. "No-one's going to care if you don't care! So go and put some highlights in your hair! 'Cause you've gotta highlight what you've got! Even if, what you've got is not a lot!" Miu and Kaito sing while lifting Himiko off the ground and spin her around. "and You've gotta be loud! You've gotta give yourself a mission to shine. To stand out from the crowd!" Miu sings while running through the halls with Himiko beside her, holding her hand. Soon all of the students in the school except kokichi and tenko which were outside. "A little less bzz! A lot more zing! A little less pshh! A lot more schwang! A little less dressing like your Mum! A little more bum-ba-bum-bum ba-da-bum!" she sang Kokichi and Tenko was about to walk into the school when everyone rushed out of the building.  They looked back curiously at what was happening so they went to spy from afar. "Oh, I look nice! You don't!" Himiko laughed when Miu sang this to her. "No-one's going to tell you when to wiggle your bum-ba!" Miu exclaimed. "No-one's going to love you if you don't know the rhumba!" Kaito sang. "Everyone loves a little something exotic!" Miu sang. "But learning a language is over the top," Kaito sang. "It doesn't really matter if you don't know, know't!" Miu sang and she held out her hand to Himiko. "As long as you don't know it with a bitter clout!" Kaito sang while holding his hand out to Himiko. "The less you have to sell, the harder you sell it! The less you have to say, the louder you yell it! The dumber the act, the bigger the confession! The less you have to show, the larger you dress it! You gotta get up! You gotta get up and be and Loud!" They both sang while Himiko stepped on their hands and the other students gave her the love letter to give to Kokichi. "You've gotta give yourself a mission to shine. To stand out from the crowd! A little less A lot more A little less A lot more No-one's gonna tell you when to, oh oh oh! No one's gonna show you when to, ah, ah, ah! If you want a little bit of mm, mm, mm You can't sit around going la, la, la! No one's gonna care if you don't care, So go and put some highlights in your hair!'Cause you've got to highlight what you've got. And what do you got? and You gotta be loud! You've gotta give yourself a mission to shine. To stand out from the crowd! You gotta be loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud! You've gotta give yourself a mission to shine. To stand out from the crowd! Are you listening? You've got to be loud, loud, loud Oooh! Stand out from the crowd, crowd, crowd, crowd! You've gotta be loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud, loud! Ohhh, you gotta be Loud!" They all sang while Himiko was standing on Miu and Kaito's hands holding the love letter in her hands while raising her arms. Tenko and Kokichi clapped so hard for them and everyone else clapped.  Himiko looked over and saw them looking at her. She smiled and asked Miu and Kaito to set her down. They did what she asked and set her down.

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