Chapter 10

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(Valentines Day Special Part 3)

Yaku helps me carry 2 full duffle bags into the field of the park near Nekoma High. The first place I met Kuroo. He sets the duffel bags down and runs back to the car to grab all the food I had prepared.

"Damn, im kind of jealous, this smells really good." Yaku says while laughing and setting them down. They are still all in plastic containers.

"What if he doesnt show tonight. . .?" I ask getting nervous while hammering poles into the ground. I wrap a thin sheet around the poles making a roof and walls. Yaku lays the fluffy blanket under the handmade tent and tosses me pillow as I lay them down. The sun is already setting so I quickly shoot Kuroo a message.

Meet me at the park where we first met in an hour.

Then I quickly put my phone back in my pocket making sure everything is set up correctly. I place the containers in a pile in a corner inside of the tent and pull on my hoodie from High School. I set Kuroos hoodie to the side and hug Yaku.

"Thank you Yaku for helping out." I smile gently.

"You can always count on me. Imma get going now, I have plans with Lev." He says waving goodbye while heading back to his car. I check my phone only to see no new messages. I watch as the sun sets patiently waiting for Kuroo.


I doubt Kenma is still at the park, im already and hour and thirty minutes late. I didnt wanna come but Daichi convinced me. I climb out of my car and see a little tent set up. Its easy to spot as gentle lights shine through the sheets. I cautiously approach it and look inside to see Kenma fast asleep cuddled up next to my jackey. When did he get my jacket?!

I crawl inside the tent and spot containers full of food and immedietly feel bad for purposely showing up late.

"Kenma. . ." I gently say his name while rubbing his shoulder. His eyes flutter open and he just stares at me.

"Kuroo. . ." He says gently before jumping up and hugging me.

"Im so sorry. . . for everything." He says. I shake my head and brush his hair with my fingers gently.

"No its my fault. I didnt consider how you might feel about what i was doing." I psuh him back gently so i can grab his cheeks and look him in the eyes.

"Is this all for me?" I ask smiling. He nods his head blushing and adverts his gaze away from my eyes.

"Will you be my valentine?" I ask while grabbing his chin with my thumb to turn his face to me.

"Your late. Valentines day is almost over." He says looking down. I grab my phone to check the time. 11:58.

"Well then let's make the best of our last 2 minutes." I say before pulling him closer to me and pressing my lips against his. He closes his eyes slowly melting into the kiss while holding onto my forearms. His hands are cold and his body shivers. I embrace him in a warm hug while continuing to kiss him without letting him have any breaks.

"K. . . Kuroo!" He says pulling away from the kiss breathing heavily.

"Give me a second to breath." He says before I roughly press my lips back against his.

"No. . ." I mumble in between two kisses. I press my hands against his waist and pull him onto my lap.

"Kuroo. . . we still have the food. . ." He says while looking at the food he prepared which is already cold.

"Oh. . . but you taste so good. . ." I whisper while looking into his eyes. He blushes and wraps his arms around my neck before snuggling his face between my neck and shoulder.

"I love you. . ." He mumbles.

"I love you too my kitten. . ." I say while wrapping my arms around his waist. All the things id done with other people while me and Kenma hadnt been on talking terms immedietly fills me with guilt and weighs down on me.

"Im sorry for-" I start to apologize but Kenma cuts me off.

"I know. . . its okay." He says looking at me. I cant help but smile as his eyes glisten in the moonlight. I kiss his lips gently.

"I wont do it again." I say while rubbing my nose against his.

"You better not." He pouts.


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