Chapter 5

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I have to tell him now while I still have the chance.

"I liekd you Kuroo. . ." I drop my head down and let the silence sink in for a few moments until he replies.

"Like. . .?" I nod my head and he sighs. He finished his food then grabs his plate and washes it off.

"Kuroo. . ." I mumble trying to get his attention. He keeos his back to me as he replies.

"Yes?" He asks gently.

"I have to give something to you. . ." I leave the table and head to my bedroom pulling an oversized hoodie from my suitcase. Its still folded and the smell of Kuroo has all but faded from it. I walk back into the dining room and hand him his hoodie from my 2nd year in high school.

"You had it this whole time?" I nod my head and he gently shoves the hoodie back into my arms.

"Keep it." I look up making eye contact with him. A gentle smile grows on the side of his face before he picks up my bowl and cleans it out.

"I'm gonna head to bed." He says before closing his bedroom door behind me. I grip the hoodie tightly to my chest while walking back into my room and pull it on. I crawl in my bed and curl in a ball. I'm able to slowly drift off into sleep remembering Kuroos scent from the bathroom.

There is a gentle knock on my bedroom door waking me up.

"Come in." I yawn out while rubbing my eyes. Kuroo appears from behind the door and once he lays his eyes on me, a red tint appears across his face and ears.

"We are having volleyball practice soon, I was wondering if you wanted to join again." He says while entirely avoiding looking at me. I suddenly realize why and quickly yank my blanket around me covering up his hoodie.

"Sure." With that he leaves my bedroom closing the door behind him. I let out a heavy sigh before crawling out of bed and changing my clothes into athletic wear. I dont have classes today because I prefer my Tuesdays off. Really, I prefer every day off. . . Later today im going to Shoyos house though so I need to keep track of time. I grab my phone and meet Kuroo outside of my bedroom.

"You gonna brush your hair?" He asks me. I realize on the knots and sigh.

"No. . . Too much work." He grabs a comb from the bathroom and begins to brush the tangles out of my hair.

"You should cut it back to chin length so its not as hard to care for." He says while finishing up and putting the comb away. My heart pounds against my ribcage as I hold back from showing anything on my face.

"Come on." He says while walking to the door. His muscles somehow grew more since high school. I examine his body not realizing he is waiting for me.

"Kenma?" He asks and I quickly snap out of my trance. I walk past him out of the door and start heading towards the gym. By the time I get in, it seems all the team from the day before was already practicing their spikes.

"Hey Kenma!" Ai says while racing towards me.

"Hi. . ." I mumble trying to avoid the attention of the other members.

"You joining us again?" I nod my head and he jumps up cheerfully.

"Alright everyone! Since we have a temporary setter, we need to practice what we can with him! Get in line to start spiking!" He yells out while everyone prepares in a line. I stand next to the net and Kuroo tosses a ball to me. My fingertips hardly touch the ball before I send it back into the air just enough for Ai to jump and slam it down.

We repeat this multiple times until Kuroo starts to block the spikes. I have to get create somehow. . . I watch my position mutiple times moving his spikers around but he seems to know every which way and who I am setting to. I havent changed my playing style since high school. . . Maybe he had recognized it. Instead of going towards his more skilled players, I set to Ai who isnt expecting the ball. Once he sees it heading his way though, he is already in the air and throwing his hand forward. Kuroo just barely misses the block making a sense of chills go down my spine. I did it!

The team jumps up cheerfully yelling out for their success.

"Hey Kuroo!" One of them calls out.

"Yes?" He replies.

"If Kenma joins our team, we can actually compete!" He says making everyones eyes fall on me and Kuroo. He looks over at me as if he was waiting for a response.

"Uhm. . . I havent played in too long." I say while figeting with my fingers.

"Thats what practice is for!" Ai says laughing. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"Sure?" I say inconfident.

"Ill enter us in the winter tournament then." Kuroo says while exiting off the court.

After practice, we all head to the cafeteria together. That man Kuroo had been with a couple nights before suddenly runs up to us and stops in front of us.

"Can I talk with you Kuroo?" He asks. Now that I look at it, he looks a lot like me. . .

"What is it?" He says annoyed. The small libero on our team moves around Ai to get a better view of the situation.

"I-I'm sorry. . . Please stop avoiding me and declining my calls. . ." he starts but Kuroo cuts him off with a scoff.

"I'm doing it because I don't want to see you anymore. You fucked up and now you have to deal with it." With that, Kuroo pushes past him and his eyes set on me.

"Its you isnt it?" He asks while scolding me.

"Huh?" I question him confused.

"You suddenly appear and everything falls apart! Kuroo cant love you trash." With that he spits on my getting my cheek.

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