Chapter 2

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Flashback to argument

"You cant quit volleyball Kenma, I know you dont like tiring youself out but your really good and-" I cut him off instantly feeling annoyed.

"I only ever joined because you forced me to Kuroo." His face displays a hurt look as he reaches for my shoulder.

"Kenma. . ." He says gently while trying to pull me to look at him. My heart begins to ache. I smack his hand away and yank my head to look at him.

"You dont understand Kuroo! I WANT TO QUIT BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" I scream without realizing. He lets out what had seemed to be a held in breath as he looks me dead in the eye. You dont understand Kuroo. . . I wont be able to let you go if im always with you. . .

"Why would you quit because of me?" He asks after a few moments of silence. The wind throws my hair every-which-way.

"I dont want to see you again. . ." I mumble out. He shakes his head and grabs my shoulders tightly.

"Dont do this Kenma." I realize the tears strolling down his cheeks and avoid any further eye contact with him. I have to let you go. . .

"I love you Kenma. . ." He says pleading me to listen.

"Not the way I want." I say holding back my tears and push him back while turning and walking home. Dont look back I have to repeat to myself. If I look back, I dont think I could leave. Half of me hoped he would run after me and pull me into a warm hug but it didnt happen.

For days, he made sure not to show his face to me. He even started taking a different route home. I hardly ever saw him after the argument. Slowly, the pain in my chest started to become unbearable and I started to hate myself for it. The hurt look on his face clouds my mind.

I jump up from my bed breathing heavily and clutch my chest as my heart begins yo ache again. My feelings for him never were able to die. . . I just buried them and now the wind is uncovering it. I begin to hear low grunts coming from outside of my door. Is that Kuroo? I get out of bed and open my door which creaks. The groans grow louder and I hesistate before knocking on his door.

"Uh. . . K-Kuroo?" I ask gently but recieve no reply. The groans grow louder and faster. I gently twist the doornob and instantly regret it. A man, Kuroo, lays naked above another smaller man who looks at me shocked. I cant move my feet as I notice the marks Kuroo and the strange man have all over their body.

"Get out. . ." Kuroo says annoyed. I quickly dash out of the room and close the door. I slowly slide down the door sitting down while gripping my hair tightly.

"Who was that. . .?" The strange man whispers from behind the door. The sound of skin smacking against skin and groans begins to come from the room instantly after his question. He moans out Kuroos name making my boxers begin to feel tight. Kuroos body flashes through my mind repeatedly as my heart continue to thump hard against my chest. I didnt know he was. . . gay. . . He was dating a girl back in High school, what changed? I begin to hear footsteps as the other sounds stop from the bedroom.

"I'm gonna head to the kitchen and grab some water real quick." The strange person says. I quickly jump to my feet and run to my room faster than I've ever moved in my life. I jump onto my bed and cover myself up while pretending to sleep. The person does what he told Kuroo before walking back into the bedroom still naked. I let out a heavy breath of relief and sit up in bed. My dick twitches between my legs making me flinch.

I reach into my pants and boxers grabbing my dick which is rock hard. I slowly begin to pump my hand up and down my dick while holding back moans. I grip my blanket tightly with my free hand as I release a sticky substance into my boxers. I stand up and grab the tissues from my desk wiping myself off and grab clean clothes. I check the time on my phone real quick. 5 AM. I got school in 3 hours. I head out of my bedroom and slowly walk into the bathroom trying to avoid making sound.

I close the door behind me and strip before turning on the shower and hopping in. I hear the door open suddenly making me stop instantly. I see a shadowy figure through the curtain.

"Hey, whose there?!" I ask full of fear.

"Kuroo. I'm brushing my teeth." After that reply, I say nothing and stare at his body through the curtain. He turns on the faucet and instantly, the water from the shower becomes ice cold.

"Ahh! Cold!" I scream out while trying to avoid any contact with the water making him chuckle quietly to himself.

"Sorry." He says while changing his water to cold so I get hot water. I sigh as the warmth touches my body. He leave the bathroom shortly after and closes the door behind me. I begin to wash my body with my soap. The smell of Kuroo radiates from the soaps in the corner.

When I finish, I lazily pull on my clothes and brush my hair slightly before heading out. I walk into my bedroom looking at the yime before pulling my Nintendo off the xharger and beginning to play it.

"See you later." The strange voice says before leaving Kuroos room. He is short and slim with chin cut pure black hair. Somewhat similar to me. I hear him exit our dorm before Kuroo leaves his room fully dressed. Shortly after, more sweet smells begin to waft into my bedroom making my mouth water. I get curious as to what he is cooking and grab the full box of pizza I didnt eat.

This will be a good excuse to see. . . I say to myself. I hesitate before exiting my bedroom and heading into the kitchen. He pours cream onto cinnamon rolls and I stare at it while throwing away the box.

"That goes into recycling." He states making me jump. I quickly pull the box back out and set it with the other boxes that are supposed to be taken out to recycling. I begin to head back into my bedroom before hid voice stops me.

"You can have one if you want." He says while handing me a plate with a warm cinnamon roll drooling cream down the sides. I grab the plate and take a seat at the table in front of him.

"Thank you." I say quietly before picking it up and taking a bite out of it.

"What? I didnt hear you." He says while taking a large bite from his.

"I said sorry." I say louder.

"I know." He says chuckling and finishes up his cinnamon roll. My cheeks begin to feel flushed as I let my hair cover my face.

"Give me your plate." He says while reachinh his hand out. I finish my cinnamon roll and hand him my plate while standing up and grabbing the recycables.

"You haven't cut your hair in a while, huh?" He asks while washing the dishes with his back turned to me.

"No. . . didnt have time." I say before opening the door and leaving the room.

Cant let Go(Kenma x Kuroo)Where stories live. Discover now