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I walk into the living room and see jake on one side of the couch, having his feet streched out and Colby leaning back with the remote in his hand scrolling threw the channels. "Let's watch a movie." I suggest while sitting down next to Colby.

"Yeah, fine with you jake?" Colby says turning to Jake. "Up to yall." Jake replies. I look at Colby and he heads me the remote. I open Netflix and go on Colbys account. I click on a movie "After" (Btw if y'all haven't seen the first after or the secon. WATCH THEM NOW!)

The movie begins and Colby lays down having his back on a Pillow. He pats his hand beside him. I slide over and lay next to him. He spoons me and wraps his arm around my side. I interviewed my fingers with his.

The movie was over and I hear snores coming from Jake and Colby. I shake Colby awake.

A- baby.
C- hmm
A- can you not stay awake during a movie? *giggle*
C- *yawn* sorry I was tired.
A- then let's go to your room and take a nap.
C- okay..

Colby lays there, while I get up to put my chips away. I put my water in the fridge and as I'm closing it, I feel arms wrapped around my waist. "I think I want to skip the nap." Colby says kissing my neck. I feel him smirking throughout the kisses.

"No- not right now Colby, we already did it today and plus my legs are still kinda shakey..." I say while turning around warping my arms around the back if his neck.

C- How about we go out to eat?
A- okay... I'll go get ready.

Colby Peck's my lips, "wait I don't have any clothes here." I say looking down at my outfit. "I'm sure you can borrow some of Kats, go ask Sam." Colby replies.

I head upstairs and knock on a door that I think is Sam's.

A- *knock, knock, knock* hello?
S- sup? *opens door*
A- hey do you think I can borrow some of Kats clothes, I think that's her name."
S- yeah it is and I'm sure she wouldn't mind. She isn't here rn so.

I follow Sam into his room and see some stuff of Kats, I guess she doesn't live here but she still has clothes in the closet. I see a cute top and some pants. I grab a black Gucci belt and walk out of Sam's room.

A- thank you
S- no problem!

I walk into Colbys room and get dressed when I received a text from xephere.

Xephere 🖤😌
X- Hey babe!
A- heyyy!
X- wyd?
A- getting ready for a night out.
X- with whom?
A- ummm.... Colby 😳
X-no you didn't.... You and Colby a thing?
A- yeah.. 😳
X-did you loose your virginity yet?
A- umm nooooo......
A- umm 🤣
X- I can't believe you, but I was going to ask if you wanted to go to a club tonight, bring Colby.
A- okay, sounds fun, see you there ly 🖤
X- lyt 🖤😌

I put my phone down and start getting ready.
Vote, comment and follow. Thxs for reading more coming soon- Maddie 🖤✖

Friend Request [colbyb ff][smut And Fluff][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now