-Colby! as in colby brock-

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I was skating to the skate park when i stopped at a 7/11. I walked in to grab a sslushy, blue raspberry the best kind! I grabbed my slushy and went to go pay. When I walked up behind the cash register this man behind me offered to pay for me.

??- Hey, ill pay for you!
A-its good, I got it but thank you.

He gets closer to me, he close to my ear he whispers.

?? - I said I'll pay!

I gulp as chills run down my body. He was kind of hot and I liked how he was so, demanding. He pays for my drink and walks out the door. I wait a second and follow behind.

A-hey wait up!
?? -what?
A- i- uh-
?? -spit it out!
A-thank you! For my- my drink!
?? - don't mention it.

The man gets close to my ear agian and whispers.

?? -see you around hottie!

Who was this man calling me hot- Colby? No it can't be he's to hot be col-.
I ingnored my thoughts and got on my skateboard and started to skate to the skate park. Taking sips of my slushy every now and then, I finally arrived. I skate in and see Xephere and Griffin.

I skate over to them and jump off my skate board and sit on the bench next to them.

X- hey!
A- hey Xph, hey Griffey!
G- sup my girl!
X-i though I was your girl!
G- you both are!
X&A- (giggle)
X-ight let's see what you got Abby!
A- watch this!

I grab my skate board and slide down the ramp. Skating up and down doing some tricks. I tried to jump but I slipped. I fell, my wallet, my phone and my vape fall out of my pocket. Griffin and Xephere run over to me.

X- are you okay!
A-im good

Griffin pulls me up.

X- ooo you got a message!
A-give me that!
X- please!
A- fine later?

I get fixed up and take a hit on my vape. I pass it the grif and let him hit.

G- flavor?
A- mango!
G- hmm!

Xph looks at me! I hear my snap chat notification go off.

X-let me read it please!
A- fine!

I give xph my phone and she opens the messages from Colby!

X-wait is this Colby? As in Colby brock!
A-yeah why!
X- he sent you a pic! Oh crap shouldn't have opened it! Woah!
A- did he really send me nudes!
X- yeah he got a big one
G- hey!
A- (giggle)there is something wrong with you!
X- I know! So you gonna send back?
A- no he grabbed my a*s at the party last night and practically begged me to send.
X- he kinda hot just saying!
A- I don't even know what he looks like.
G- ight abbs we gonna head out. Family dinner.
X- bye abbs
A- BYE! Love y'all!

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