-im still here!-

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Me and xepher finish our food and go shopping. This is everything I got

I also got a few things from Victoria secret

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I also got a few things from Victoria secret.

We walked out the mall and I drove home

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We walked out the mall and I drove home. I walk unlock my door and see roses, chocolate and a note. "Oo who your secret Admire?" Xepher says. "I can only guess." I say. I open the note.

Hey baby, I decided to get you some flowers and a box of chocolates. I will be over in a little bit, I went to the traphouse to get clothes and I'm going to pick you up something to eat. I just want you to know that the day that I met you, I fell in love, and your the person I want to grow old with. I have only known you for 2 weeks but it feels like I have known you forever. I love you Abby and it will always be that way.
                                  Love Colby.

My eye watered out of happiness. "Omg couple goals!" Xepher says ruining the momment. I chuckle and hang the note on my fridge. Me and xepher sorry on the couch as I open the box of chocolates and we both split one and eat it.

About an hour later I hear a knock at my door. I open it and see Colby smiling with a bag on his back. He drops the bag and closes my door. He kisses me and I wrap my arms around the back of his neck. He grabs my hips and his hand slowly fall down to my butt.

I stand on my tippy toes to make the kiss easier. He starts to kiss my neck and he whispers "did you like the gifts?" I just respond with a nod. "Uhh hello! I'm still here!" Xepher says from the couch. "Oh heh sorry." I giggle.

X- I'll head out tho and give you two love birds some alone time.
A- no you can stay.
X- it's good I gotta meet griff anyway.
A- okay love you bye!
X-love you too! Bye!
C- bye!

As soon as the door closes Colby immediately kisses my neck again and picked me up. He carried me to the couch and set me down. He tugs at my shirt wanting me to take it off. "Colbyyyy!" I make the y long. "What? This is what you texted me and said you wanted to do."

A- I didn't tex- ughhh I hate you xepher.
C- sooo... Did you not text me saying you wanted me to make you weak?
A- uhh noo *giggle*
C- *chuckle*
A- so are you like a very sexual guy?
C- umm *blush* maybeeee....
A- well I can tell you one thing horny boy, that ain't my Speciality, sooooo...
C- it's fine, we don't have to do it every day.
A- oh k Never said I didn't want to!
C- wait wh-

I interup Colby with a kiss as I pulls him down on top of me. I take off his shirt as he flips me on top of him. I kiss down his neck and he takes off my shirt. We kissed for a good bit until he tugged at my pants. I simply just got up and said "just kidding!"

C- ughhhhhh I hate you for that!
A- wait you hate me!
C- no I'm just kidding I love you too much!

I get back on Colby and start to kiss his neck again. "Gotcha agian!" I laughed. "Oh my god!" Colby covered his face. "I'm not that easy!" I reply as I walk into the kitchen.

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