First day of school

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Chapter 1
Hi my name is Rebbeca Gomez but everyone calls me becky g ,I am 16 and I go to school at Pablo Miami. I'm a only child and I live with my dad. My mom died when I was 10 and since then I've gotten stage fright and life has gotten a lot harder on me and dad. Dad sometimes drinks , but hopefully its just for a little bit and he will be able to stop. I'm bullied in school. I try to just ignore it, but sometimes I just can't anymore. I only have one friend and here name is Laura.
The people i'm bullied by are Camila Cabello (She's the Queen bee at our school she's one of the main people who bully me), Karen Sunshine (Who is just a follower of Camila , she's not that bad but she still bully's me), then there's Aaron Samueles (He's going out with Karen so he's there to make my life worse also), Alex Constancio (Who is really just a follower. He's not really a problem. I would have to say he's the nicest. He's also really crazy!) And lastly there is the Austin Mahone. He's the worst of them all. He's the one that started everything. He's also dating Camila Cabello which just makes the bullying worse for me.

"Becky time for school." My dad Frank said.

"Dad do I have to go?", I said

"Yes you do, now get your ass down here!"

My dad only curses at me either when he's drunk or just having a really bad day.
Lets just hope it's just a really bad day.

"Alright! Bye dad!" I said walking out the door. Then when I was walking down the stairs of my porch, I trip and fell down them. I started to hear laughing. So I looked up and realized that Austin and his friends where all in his car driving past.

"Nice job Freak!", Aaron yells at me. Everyone started to laugh

"See you in school, LOSER!" said Austin while driving away.

I got up and brushed my self off and started to walk to school. I wonder whats gonna happen today?

Once I got to School I headed for the school doors. I look around outside to make sure no one was gonna throw something at me. There was no one there so I went inside. Once I got through the doors everyone started to stare at me, more than normal. Did I do something wrong? Did I have something on me? Then it hit me. This morning when I fell someone must have told the whole school.

"Hey freak," Said Austin

Of course he was probably the one that told everyone. I just ignored him and walked into my first class. Oh and did I happen to say it's the first day of school. I hate the first day's of school there always the worst. I really hope Laura is in some of my classes. I sat down all the way in the back by the window. I knew that no one likes to sit next to me so what happens most of the times is the teacher picks our seats or who ever is the last one in the class has to sit next to me.
Great lets hope there are more then enough seats in the room so no one has to sit next to me.

The bell rang and everyone was in the class. Luckly no one was sitting next to me! I'm sad Laura
isn't in my class, but I'm happy Austin isn't.

"Ok class my name is Mrs. Eye and I'm gonna be your global teacher for the whole year." Mrs. Eye said

I just zoned out and started to stare out the window, when i felt someone sit down next to me. When I turned around guess who it was?

"Hey Loser," Austin said

Great he's in this class I was really happy he wasn't and now he is!

"Hey I'm talking to you," Austin said

"And?" I answered

"Aren't you going to say hi back?"

"No why would I do that?"

"Because you should,"

"Never in a million years"

"Oh come on you know you love me!" Austin said

Is he serous right now.

"I would never like let alone love someone like YOU!" I screamed out. Totally forgetting we were in class.

"You two in the back please come up here and tell me your names!"Mrs. Eye said

Austin got right up, but I got up slowly because everyone was staring at me and I have stage fright.

"What's you name's," She asked

"Austin Mahone," Austin said loudly and did a motion of a salute

Everyone started to laugh.

"Yes, Yes very funny Mr. Mahone. And what's your name?" She asked me

"Rebbeca Gomez but everyone. Calls me becky g," I whispered

"Huh? Speck up" She told me

"Her name is Rebbeca freak Gomez " Austin said

"Hey Mr. Mahone that's enough, and for both of you get detention"

"W-What? Why me?" I asked

"For the disruption you guys did a second ago, now go back to your seats and no more disturbing the class, got it?" She asked

"Yes," I said

"whatever," Austin said

We went back to our seats. Then the bell rang.

"Hey Bitch you just got me detention!" I said to Austin

"Yea and?" He said

"I've never gotten that before, now thanks to you I have to stay after school and be stuck with you!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" He asked

"No why would that be a good thing?"

"Because im me and im the Austin Mahone everyone loves me!"

"Well think again bitch because i don't and never will" And with that i stormed out of the classroom and went to go look around for Laura

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