I do have feels for you that is real not a lie -Austin

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Chapter 20

After I told everyone about how Becky's Dad was drunk and hit her, I knew I shouldn't have, but she wasn't around. So why would it matter. So I decided to shrugged it off.

"Now does everyone get that I DON'T LIKE BECKY!" I said and everyone nodded.

"Good! Now get the fuck out of my business and leave me alone!" I said, then everyone ran off to there class. When I was walking to first period I heard singing. So I walked in the room and saw Becky singing. So I stayed and listened until she was done. Once she was done, I clapped and she turned around. The look on her face was, well it looked like she wanted to kill me, but I shrugged it off.

"Wow! That was really good, did you write that?" I asked and all she did was turn and looked at the piano.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked while sitting down. "What's wrong?"

"Really? What's wrong? Don't play dumb with me!" She said getting mad. What did I do?

"What?" I asked confused.

"Stop pretending that you fuckin care about me! I know it's all a lie!" She said, and was about to cry.

"What are you talking about? I do care about you!" I said.

"No you don't! YEAH! I heard you out there before! Now don't get me wrong, I am mad about you saying how you pretended to like me, but what I am really mad about is how you told everyone about my dad. Even after you promised, YOU STILL TOLD THEM! I TRUSTED YOU, BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN FROM THE START, THAT IT WAS A LIE!" She said while screaming at me. I was shocked.

"You heard?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I did hear, but did you really think even if I didn't hear it directly from you, that I wouldn't hear it from someone else. The last few weeks we have been the biggest talk in school! I already bet that speech you said is already around the school!"

"I'm sorry!" I said.

"Really, you're sorry? Yeah well, I don't believe it!" She said.

"I didn't mean the things I said to them." I said trying to convince her.

"I still don't believe you! If you really cared about me, you wouldn't have said all those things! I knew you were trouble right from the start! I should have never fell for your stupid games!" She said now crying.

"Fell for me?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you happy now? I actually started to like you. As in like like you! You got your stupid wish!" She said crying, and I was really shocked now.

"WHAT WISH!" I screamed at her.

"For making me fall for you! You played your stupid game and I fell for it!"

"I wasn't acting! I actually liked you too!" I said, which was the truth.

"JUST GET OUT BLONDIE!" She screamed. That was the first time I heard her call me Blondie for like the longest time.

"Do you want your life to go back in hell? Cause I can make sure that happens!" I said getting angry now.

Becky's POV.

"My life is already hell! Thanks to you, you Asshole!" I said crying again, wow I have been crying a lot.

"Thanks to me? You know what! Why the fuck do I even try or care! You can go fuck yourself, you slut!" He said really angrily and stormed out of the room slamming the door shut. I just stayed in the room crying even more then ever. This is the worst day ever! Then after a while the bell rang. Singling that first period is over. So I get up and walk to my next class. On my way there everyone stops what they were doing and stared at me. Then I walked into class and everyone was in there already.

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