Why me?

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Becky's POV.

I could not sleep at all. All I keep thinking about was that kiss.

"Becky hurry up before you late!" My Dad said

"Whatever," I muttered

I got up and got dressed and walked to school. Once I got to school. It became very strange. I saw everyone with school news papers. Whats going on?

"Becky!," Laura screamed while running towards me with a news paper

"Laura what's going on?" I asked

"What do you mean? Everyone says that you put yourself on Austin and forcefully kissed him!" Laura said

"WHAT! I didn't forcefully kiss him! He's the one that kissed me!" I said

"Wait, why did Austin kiss you?, But anyway everyone believes you kissed him and he's going around saying you did!" Laura said

"I'm gonna kill him, first he steals my first kiss even though he knew he would and now this!"

"Oh and by the way I heard Camila's looking for you and she's really pissed off." Laura said

"Oh no, that's not good even worse than ever."

"Why?, Ok you have so much you need to tell me. Come over after school!" Laura said

"I can't I got detention for this whole week now!" I told her

"What? Why? Ok so you have a LOT to tell me so come over after that!"

"Alright well I gotta go hide. Bye!"



I don't get how someone got a picture of me and Becky.Well the good thing is that everyone thinks that Becky kissed me, Instead of me who kissed her.

Becky's POV.

This is not good, Camila is going to kill me! What am I going to do? If I see her I'll try to hide from her.

Ok so far its 2nd period and I haven't seen Camila. Ok well she's in this class. So ill just have to try to hide in that back and hide my face.

I went to the back of the room and sat down. Then Austin walked in and goes by me and looks at me and starts to sing..

"Eyy SEXY LADY! Whoop Whoop Whoop..." Austin sang (A/N, That's from the song Gangnam Style!)

I just looked up at him with a blank face. I didn't know what to say. Sometimes he can be over the top weird.

"Austin sit down!" The teacher Ms. Delio says

Camila comes in and storms over to me.

"You Fogly slut! You have no right to kiss my boyfriend!" Camila said while slapping my face.

"Camila sit down that's enough!" Ms. Delio says

I was on the bridge of tears.

"I didn't kiss him!"I said, but when I looked over at Austin he had this look that said if you say anything you will regret it!

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T KISS HIM! There's picture's that show it! Your so desperate you know that! You will never get a guy you fogly slut! So stay away from mine!" Regina said while giving me another slap, but this one was even harder.

I ran out of the room crying. I even heard Austin calling my name. Even if I told everyone that Austin was the one that kissed me no one would believe me. Also why would Austin be calling my name! Why would he care? Then I felt someone sit down next to me.

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