Chapter one

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Jimin was finally asleep after what felt like hours but was really only 45mins, he was finally asleep. Jin had been tried to feed him but he wouldn't eat, they didn't know if he was full or he just didn't want too, it was scaring jin and namjoon both, they were scared that if jimin didn't gain weight or lost anymore his doctor would put him on a feeding tube and both caregivers knew that it would be hard on jimin especially since he's a baby and stubborn.

Jimin: *cries*

Jin: ugh... I guess jimin's awake

Namjoon: yup I'll go check on him

Namjoon's goes and checks on him and fines him crying cause his paci fell from his mouth and onto the floor. Namjoon picked it up and went to wash it off before giving it back to jimin. When namjoon layed back down with jin, jimin immediately started crying again.

Jin: I'll get it this time.

Jin looked at jimin as he continued to cry, Jin picked him up and checked his diaper which was clean, he then checked if he wanted to just be held, then all of a sudden jimin threw up all over Jin's back and shirt. Jin called namjoon and he came running in, once he saw what happened he ran into the kitchen and came back with some towels. After jimin was cleaned up Jin went to clean up too, once he was back he had a thermometer and namjoon's face changed he knew most babies hated getting their temperature taken and jimin was one of them.

Jin: I know he hates it but we have too

Namjoon: I know let's get it over with fast

Namjoon layed jimin down, took off his diaper and held his legs up so jin could push it in easy.

Jimin: *cries*

Jimin screamed, cried, kicked, everything he could do to try and get away, which didn't work. Soon it beeped and Jin took it out along with jimin screaming.

Jin: it's 100.2, I'll be back with some medicine, can you tape his diaper back on please?

Namjoon: sure thing!

Namjoon taped his diaper back on and held him in attempt to calm him down. Jin came back with a bottle of milk and a dropper with the right amount of medicine for their baby.

Jin: I have his medicine and a bottle ready since the favor of the medicine won't taste good.

Namjoon: ok.

Jin put the dropper on his lips and then pushed it through his lips and into his mouth, Jin pushed the rubber part of the dropper and the medicine went right into jimin’s mouth, jimin didn't like the taste but he swallowed it and cried.

Jin: oh baby here's your milk.

Jimin immediately latched on the nipple of the bottle and started sucking slowly. After a min he stopped sucking and tried to push the bottle away. Jin tried to push the bottle back in but jimin cried and kicked.

Jin: well he drank some

Namjoon: at least he drank something

Jin: yea I guess

Jin burped him to which jimin spit up a little bit, but not alot. Jimin stopped crying and started making some little sounds.

Jimin: *yawns*

Jin: I think someone's finally tired

Namjoon: I think your right

Jimin: *yawns again and cuddles his daddies close*

First chapter out!!!!

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