Chapter four

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Jin: namjoon, I feel so bad! He's going to cry from the pain! We can't do this!

Namjoon: jin, I know he will but we need to do this so he will get better, after the shots and blood test we'll go home and take care of him, I promise. Jin nodded and they waited, jimin on the other hand was getting fussy, it was past his nap time and if he doesn't get his nap he would get fussy.

Namjoon: I think its is nap time, should we try to help him fall asleep so maybe it might be easier to give him the shots and blood test?

Jin: I think that be best, yes let's do that!

Jin rocked jimin until the nurse came in and scared jimin making him cry.

April: I'm so sorry, i can give you all some time if you like?

Namjoon: no its fine, we would like to get it over with now please.

The nurse nodded and got the stuff ready for the blood test.

April: so this isn't the easiest thing to do on a baby, so can you sit him up, keep his arm straight and hold him tight so he can't move his arm? Cause if he moves the needle could break in the vein and then cause more problems. Jin and Namjoon nodded, Jin gave Namjoon jimin since he knew he couldn't hold his baby while getting poked with a huge needle!

Jin: oh God this is going to kill me! Jin started tearing up he tried to be strong but he couldn't, he was so scared and upset to see his baby going to cry and be upset and maybe have to get other stuff, he just let it all out then and there.

Namjoon: can you please give us a second?

Apirl: sure! She left the room

Namjoon: jin honey, I know it's hard trust me I know, but we need to be strong! I know you're trying but we need to get this done.

Jin: namjoon! You have no idea how are this is for me! I can't freaking help it and you know that!

Namjoon: jin, listen to me now! You know we have to do this, I understand that this is hard and I know that your having a hard time, but would you like to step out of the room when April does the blood test and shots?

Jin: No! I couldn't do that and you know that! What the hell is wrong with you?! You don't understand anything with that 149IQ! Nothing!

Namjoon: jin please calm down your scaring jimin! As soon as namjoon said that jin felt bad and stupid, bad for yelling at his boyfriend for not understanding him and two scaring his baby.

Jin: namjoon... I'm so sorry

Namjoon: aw jin baby it's ok! I know your stressed, after this we'll go cuddle with jimin together! So can we call the nurse back in and talk about this when we get home?

Jin: Yes and again I'm so sorry, please don't hate or leave me.

Namjoon: jin baby I would never leave you and yes we are definitely talking about this when we get home. Jin nodded and let the nurse know they were ready.

April: Alright so the blood test will be first like I said before, so hold him still and it will be fast it's only a quarter of blood. The both parents nodded.

Namjoon had jimin ready and the nurse got the needle ready, she made sure everyone was ready. She poked the needle in and poor jimin cried and squirmed, and kicked but it didn't take long and soon it was over for jimin and the blood was done.

(Someone corrected me and said they do it on their feet as a baby and I'm grateful for them to correct me and thank you! I just wanted to let you know! Again thank you Blackrubis17 for correcting me! While your at it give them a follow!)

April: good job, honey you did it!

Namjoon: yes you both did! He meant jin and jimin. Jin just stayed quiet.

April: now for the shots there are 2, one will go in his leg but because he is so thin the doctor would like to know if we could do it in his bum?

Namjoon: I guess, but why?

April: since he's so small and underweight the doctor thinks it might help. Jin looked up and nodded his head 'yes' Namjoon saw and told the nurse yes.

April: I'll do his arm first. She poked the needle in and jimin cried all over again. Now was time for the bum and this was going to be so hard and sad.

April: I know this is hard but can you take his diaper off and I think it be better if we did it on thr table. Namjoon nodded and took Jimin to the table, took off his diaper and then sadly he asked jin to hold jimin’s arms down while he held jimin’s legs. Jin got up and kissed his baby's head while holding his arms down, both parents nodded telling April that they were ready. She gave jimin the shot and boy did he cry, Jin immediately taped his diaper on and held his baby close, bouncing him to calm him down.

Jin gave the nurse a look but namjoon looked at jin and he stopped and left the room immediately.

They talked about meeting up and Namjoon said yes and gave the girl his phone number and kissed!


April: I'm so sorry about this but you are fine and here is a sticker for jimin!

Namjoon: thank you, also I apologize about jin he is scared of needles and can't really handle doctors or any type of doctors...

April: it's totally OK! I understand completely we get parents like that and sometimes we have to take them to another room to even check up their children or themselves, but if you like you may talk with the desk about getting that room!

Namjoon: thank you so much! You have a great day!

April: you too!

Chapter four is out!
Love you all  stay safe! 💜❤
Chapter five is soon!

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