science fare

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The science fare statred. It had beem an few days since tere kiss, and now they were standing infront of theyre poster. They were taking about the frog to a random parent. And thenn gretchen and kanerb came to see the project with damon to. "Wow janis this i s real ty nice!" daminan exclaimed happily. "Thanks damisn: janis smirked looking at rejina. He gabe regina a dirty look asnd then janis stated "nah damian its ok where cool cause regina and i r dating now <3" "oh ok" he stated back. "Omg im so happy for u guys" chtattered gretchen. "Thanks!" rejina exclaimed "also im sorry iv been so rude to u guys, i shouldve ben ni er i really love u guys and i dont want to loose you" "its ok regina we love u too" "oh look its time for the prize giving thing!" janis excited. "Oh yeah i hope we win first place" "me to" and then the teacher spoke up "ok guys its time for the prize giving thing!! So first place gos too... regina anf janis for dissecting the frog" regina and janis and cady went up to the stage and got the first place award. "Congratulations" the friends shouted.

a/n hey guys I'm back! sorry I took so long to get this chapter out school has been a bit hard lately. i hope you liked the chapter sorry it was so short there are like to left I think. thank you so much for reading! i love getting votes and comments so can you do that please <33

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