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Tam has been back for a month. I still haven't gotten to see him. Linh says he's dealing with the guilt, but I want to see him. No. I need to see him. 

I know that the only reason he left in the first place was to protect his sister, and save the alicorns. But he has to be feeling guilty, just I saw the guilt on Keefe's face when he came home.

But Tam? He dealt more damage. He must be feeling awful. I have to talk to him.

I  get up and go to his house, not his parents' house of course- Tam would never go back there. I hold my light leaping crystal up to a the light and leap to Tiergen's house. I get through all the security and finally knock on the door.

"Hello? Who is it?" Tiergen called. 

"Biana. Biana Vacker, I want to talk to Tam."

He opened the door. "You can try to talk to him, I doubt it'll work, the boy's broken."

 When I gasped he realised what he said and quickly corrected himself.  "Not like that, nothing like that." 

I try to convince myself it's true. I slowly walk towards Tam's room. Carefully, I lift my fist up to the door and knock gently.

"Linh, I know you want to help, but please just let me be." Tam says from inside.

"It's not Linh." I say. 


"Hey. I know you probably want to be alone, but please, can I talk to you?"

"I guess so. It'll be nice for a change. I haven't gotten to talk to you since, well, you know." He pauses. 

"And I'm sorry for that." I say softly.

I open the door to see him lying face down on his bed. Carefully I go and sit beside him. I blush when he turns to look at me. I see his silver blue eyes light up with what I think is hope for the first time in forever.

A/N so this is me in the future! I'm just editing and I realized how bad this next part is, I've gone in to edit it now though. Thanks to all the originals who stuck with this bad writing!

"Well, I wanted to check in on you. But you don't seem to be doing to well." I look over at the pile of dishes on his desk. 

He follows my gaze. 

"I can't bring myself to leave my wing. If I'm alone, I can't hurt anyone else." His voice catches a bit.

"It's okay Tam."

"It's not. I hurt him Biana." 

My silence gives it away.

"He's not awake yet, is he?"

Again, silence.

"Go away Bia! Please, before I hurt you too."

"The only way you could would be to let yourself feel the guilt. Linh needs you Tam. Sophie needs you, Dex needs you, Keefe needs you Tam. I need you. Please don't leave me alone." I say, getting emotional.

I feel tears pricking my eyes, and, I see him start to cry. 

Why can't he see how loved he is?


I know I shouldn't cry in front of Biana but I can't help it. People need me? Why would anyone need me? I hurt people. I give in to evil to help myself. I'm not a good person, why can't she see that?

"Biana?" I whisper.

She looks at me, worry in her eyes.

"Why do you care? Why are you here? I'm a pathetic, crying loser and you're still here beside me."

"Because Tam, you matter, and I need you to see that. I can't see you shattered. I need you, and I'll stay here until you understand that, so long as you want me here." She says, her voice catching in the last bit.

I can't help but blush at her response. I really hope she can't see that in the dark lighting.



"Don't go."

So that's the first chapter! I hope you like it! I don't want to make Tam soft but for this chapter I kinda needed him to break down... sorry! Anyway, by the way there will be a bit of Sokeefe in here too. Sorry if I make Fitz too much of a jerk, I can't help but hate him. 

A/N 2022 Isla here! The memories from writing this story. I don't know if I told you all this, but it was a coping mechanism. I would come here after school to escape the world and people who were very toxic to me, as I was writing I felt like I was in the lost cities, and that's what I loved about it. <3

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