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A/N Sorry for not updating! Homework and stuff has kept me busy! Also thanks 130 reads! I know compared to lots of books that's nothing but it means a lot to me. Shout out to @PhyscoWolf1010,  and @Bobthetitain! Thanks for reading and commenting on my story!

also, editing Isla here, Phsyco even if you never see this, I still remember and appreciate your covers that you gave me <3

and sorry for getting this out so late, i've been a bit preoccupied 


When Sophie asked Fitz to leave he didn't. When Biana told Fitz to leave, he did. I know Biana is fierce but I've never seen her give such a small deadly and cold reply. Ever. Not even to Stina. Stina. Heks. 

"So! Let's get to work! Tam did Forkle explain the assignment to you?" Biana claps her hands, breaking the silence. 

  "No... sorry." I flush. 

"No need to apologize Tam." Sophie says. 

"ACTUALLY, I want a full apology with lots of, 'I didn't listen and Lord Hunkyhair shouldn't have to listen to the assignment explained twice! Oh Keefe I'm so sorry!' in it. Got it Bangs Boy?" Keefe asks.

 I don't even force the smile.  I need some comic relief these days. 

"So, basically we are trying to find Lord Cassius's information source for his book. Mr. Forkle believes that he actually felt someone's heart emotion and then took already existing information and used it to write his book as a cover story. If that's true we'll need to work on finding out who's and how to get him to reveal information to us without him becoming suspicious.  BUT if we find out he just used existing information then the work and research is for nothing." Biana explains.

Why is that even relevant to the Neverseen? Could the source lead us to Lady Gisela? That has to be Forkle's motive. I think to myself.

"Okay, so where do we start?" I ask.

"That's what we're figuring out now." Sophie says. 

"We're working in teams of two. Foster and me and you and Biana." Keefe says, nudging me in the side.

 The tone of his teasing voice makes me blush. Then I realize he nudged me. Crap. Keefe's an Empath! I move my arm away as fast as possible.

 "As expected... interesting." He says. 

"Empaths," I grumble, blushing. 

"Anyway!" Sophie says, saving me.

She's so assertive to everything until it's related to her.

"I think that you and Tam should start searching Candleshade, Cassius doesn't live there anymore so it's safer for you guys to go there. We'll go to the Shores of Solace. Keefe has to live there anyway..." Sophie says to Biana. 

"Works for me!" Biana replies. 

"Great!" Keefe says. 

"Let's get to work!"


A/N it's only after editing that i realize how short these chapters are. 

maybe i'll be able to finish a couple more today. but hey at least this chapter wasn't incredibly cringe. 

i've noticed a lot of people dropped off after chapter seven, so those are going to be some of the most edited chapters so be ready to wait for those. 

love you all! 

-editing Isla

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