(CHAPTER 23~).

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Marinette woke up this morning actually wanting to wake up, only because they're was a new festival near by. Mrs. Bustier would take them there today, and so she got up and threw on some high waisted blue denim shorts with a black crop top and white Nike's. she let her none washed hair rest on her shoulders as she let it down.

She took her purse and headed out of the hotel room, her and Adrien hadn't talked for the rest of the trip since the elevator scene, which was two months ago. They were now in their final month of the summer trip and Marinette just wanted to enjoy it before they headed back to France. Adrien now seemed happy, him and Amber got closer in friendship, Lila has gotten a little baby bump now. Adrien and especially Lila did receive backlash, as so as Gabriel. The press just wasn't happy to see a famous teenage model just get a random girl pregnant. reporters were basically eating up Gabriel about his thoughts of the current situation, which only made him angrier at Adrien.

Sure all of these things traumatized Marinette, but she couldn't keep letting this vacation be about Adrien. She decided to look at the positive things, her two friends got together, Chloe wasn't on her back as much anymore now that she had Nathaniel, And the fact that she was on a vacation where many possibilities could occur.

Marinette had made it onto the bus, she sat by Alya who was mouthing profanity to the kids outside who were sticking middle fingers at her and doing annoying faces. "Alya they are kids." Marinette laughed.

"nope, no no no those and not kids, those are demon spawns." Alya cursed under her breath one last time before turning her attention to Marinette and away from the little demons. "no, they are kids, they don't know better." Marinette crossed her legs and began taking out her sketch book. "then maybe I should teach them." a smirk laid across her face. "nope." Marinette shook her head in disapproval as she picked up a pencil and began scribbling.

Alya laughed "geez, let's hope Adrien's kid don't be like that." she said but suddenly stopped laughing and looked over at Marinette with an empathetic expression. Marinette lightly laughed, still focusing her attention on the paper "Alya for the hundredth time, I have accepted the pregnancy, you can talk about it if you want." she genuinely said.

"I know... but-" Alya was cut off. Marinette turned to her "Alya it's fine, I have to move on." she said in a stern tone and looked back at her journal. The brunette sighed and nodded her head.

"Dude so what about you and Amber? you seem pretty close." Nino smirked. "oh yeah, she's a really kind person, we have so much in common. she's good to talk to honestly." Adrien smiled. "so you like, like like her or something?" Nino kept his same smirk. "oh no, no no, she's just a friend.." and plus, I haven't yet gotten over a certain person. Adrien frowned.

"Well she definitely seems to be interested in you." Nino raised an eyebrow. "What...Amber? Noooo.."
Adrien denied. Nino hummed and turned away while pulling his headphones to his ears. "Pshhh Amber? Feelings for me? ...." Adrien said thinking out loud. He thought about all the possibilities of how she wasn't into him and how it was purely friendship.

"I want you all to split up into four groups, and meet back at this same spot at the given time." Mr. Damocles said and watched at the class shifted different ways to groups. As soon as all the groups were formed, he then let them go with a wave of the hand.

With that the class began to chatter and split up with their groups.

"Let's go to the food trucks first, I'm in desperate need of a corn on a cob." Alya stated to her group which was Marinette, Adrien, and Nino. "I was just thinking that, babe" Nino threw his arms around her shoulders and began walking. Adrien and Marinette awkwardly followed behind.

A Miraculous Summer vacation~Where stories live. Discover now