(CHAPTER 18~).

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Marinette could break down and cry and beg for Lila to delete it but she wouldn't give her that pleasure of seeing her vulnerability.  "Fine.." is all Marinette said. She could feel the sad feeling in her heart the feeling that she could no longer do anything, she did do this to herself. Turning around Marinette felt the hot tears drop to her cheeks and she began walking back into the classroom.

Maybe it was a good idea to get away from Adrien. She did the thing she never wanted to do, she got drunk while going through anger and sadness. And it was all because of her love for Adrien, and this was not who she was, she just needed a fresh start.

"Lila, delete the video.." Adrien sat on his bed. "You agreed to be with me and here you are with this...this bitch!" Lila stood before him.

"First of all I didn't agree, I was forced. Second of all Marinette is my friend do not speak of her like that. Third of all I was drunk and it wasn't intentionally! Adrien facepalmed in frustration.

"Adrien I will!-" Lila stopped and smiled. "Okay...fine, just get some rest sweetpie." Lila placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't-" Adrien removed her hand. Lila smiled briefly and made her way out of the room.

Lila walked down the hallway with an furious expression on her face, if she were in a cartoon she would surely have steam coming out of her ears.

She dug into her purse and grabbed her phone, gritting her teeth and tapping aggressively she put the phone to her face and took a deep breath in and out she smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Agreste I have some rather unfortunate information about Adrien that I need to discuss with you..." Lila smirked a wide smirk.

"Chloe for the last time stop throwing away my clothes!" Marinette held the blue cotton shorts in her hand that she took from out of the garbage bin.

"It's not my fault, when I see it laying around I think it's trash." Chloe polished her finger nails. Marinette crossed her arms and sucked her teeth, she could just walk away but nu uh if Chloe wanted to argue all day then that's what she'll get.

"I'll have you know th-" Marinette was cut off by a ringing. Chloe had held her phone up in the air, a loud ringing noise to block out Marinette. "Oh my gosh do you ever shut up?" Chloe closed the nail polish and placed it on her night stand.

Marinette rolled her eyes and made her way into her room. She couldn't stand being here with Chloe. She wished she could've gotten to be with Alya, but things never work out how you want them to. But she will say that it's better than being with Adrien, that way she could avoid him a lot easier.

Marinette sat on her bed, pulling her sketchbook from under her pillow and opening it. she began to sketch a light pink long silk dress that didn't hug the body, and put white straps that go around the shoulders and at the end of the dress it was curled circles. it kinda looked old fashion.

When the the spark had left, she closed her journal and slid it back under her pillow. she sat on her bed not knowing what to do, since there was no activities today. She could choose to go to the pool but Marinette didn't want to go there for a while considering what Alya and Alix told her what had went down.  

The bluenette sighed into her hands, "hey Marinette whatcha up too?" the little red kwami popped out of purse. "oh nothing, just busy.. doing nothing." Marinette smiled. "Are there no activities today?" Tikki asked. "nope...sadly, but I think we're going somewhere tomorrow." Marinette laid back onto the bed.

"Plus I need to ask Mrs. Bustier can we go to a shopping center because you need more cookies and not the stale ones from the hotel, sorry you had to eat that by the way.." Marinette turned to the kwami. Tikki giggled, "It's alright, they weren't that bad actually."

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