Chapter Six

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Trevor walked down the sidewalk toward school the next day, and saw Samuel walking the same way. He took his headphones out from his ears and ran for the boy. "Sam!" he called.

The boy turned around, and rolled his eyes at the sight of Trevor rushing toward him. "What do you want now?" he questioned.

"I managed to do most of my homework last night, but..."

"But what?" Samuel asked.

"Well, I really did finish most of it, but I'm having trouble with the rest."

Samuel raised his eyebrows. "Like what?"

"My History and Math assignments. There's so much to keep track of. So many questions in Math, and too many historical figures to keep track of. I need help."

Samuel nodded, and tore his gaze away from Trevor. "Understandable. Which one are you having the most trouble with?"


Samuel nodded again. "Then we'll work on History after school. Until then, take notes in both so you don't fall further behind in either of them."

Trevor gave a fake saluting gesture. "Yes, sir," he said.

Samuel smacked his arm. "Cut the sarcasm, Trevor. I'm not tutoring you because I want to be your friend."

Trevor shrugged. "Hey. A guy can try," he replied.

The two of them made their way into the school, and Samuel waited until Trevor was out of his line of sight, and walked into the Counselor's Office. "I want to speak with Mr. Fisher. Now," he demanded.

The lady at the front desk stared at him in shock. "Oh...okay..." she said. She vigorously typed on the computer, and she gestured to the man's office. "Go ahead," she said.

Samuel didn't bother knocking at the man's door and walked right in, startling the man at his desk. "Samuel! What are you doing here?!" Mr. Fisher questioned.

Samuel sat in the chair across from him, throwing his stuff to the floor. "Why did you put me with Trevor in the first place?!"

Mr. Fisher leaned on his desk. "You're the only one, out of our top students, who doesn't have any extracurricular activities, so I thought this would be good for you."

Samuel crossed his arms, still glaring at his Counselor. "I cannot stand him! He thinks I want to be his friend! And if you want to know why I hate him, it's because he used to bully me in Middle School because I don't have a dad!"

Mr. Fisher rubbed the back of his neck, and hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Sam, but I can't find anyone else more suited to help Trevor with his grades, and since you're so study-focused, I thought you would be able to give Trevor some pointers."

Samuel shot to his feet, his brows furrowed even more than they were when he'd entered the room, and his hands clenched into fists, where his knuckles were whiter than his normal skin. He didn't say anything as he picked up his stuff.

Mr. Fisher also stood from his desk. "You can't keep running from this. People change, you need to open up to that change and see it!"

Samuel shot him a look of death and turned to the door. "Absolutely not."

And with that, he left the room.

As Samuel, left the Offices, someone with dyed blue hair leaned on the post outside the room. They stared at Samuel as he left the Counselor's Office, stomping his feet on his way up the stairs. What the hell's up with him? he thought. He squinted his eyes in suspicion until the bell rang, and he had to leave the area.

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