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10 JULY 2021
San's Thought Book

It's my birthday. And I'm spending the time with my friends. Oh yeah, this is my first thought entry. One of my best friends, Yunho, bought me this book for my birthday today. He knows how mad i get all the time. Because of my fucked up family and problems with people around me.

Anyways, it's my birthday as i said. I enjoyed it. Really. My friends are really the best. They hold the best parties for one another. Well, we had a party at the skate park. We invited some of our friends who don't study in our school. We didn't have alcohol like other people do. We prefer fruit punch. Strange. I don't like alcohol but I smoke. We had chocolate cake too. And they decorated it to make it look like ashes since, you know,i smoke a lot.

They even put candles. I told them wishes were for kids. But they forced me to make a wish. So I did. I closed my eyes and made a wish, but secretly laughing inside because I was actually doing that.

"I wish to find my soulmate by the time my next birthday comes."

I wished in my head.

You might think it's a lame wish. I find it lame myself too. But I'm desperate to find a soulmate who can make me the happiest man in the world. You might be thinking, "you have your friends, how come you still aren't happy?".

My friends make me happy too. I meant as in someone who makes me thinks about them and stop me from smoking instead of me fucking my lungs up. Damn, I'm tired. I'll sign off for now.




It's 12 July 2021 right now. Two days passed since I just turned 19. And after every Sunday,I always forget that...

I have school. Damnnit, why does school have to exist.

I got ready and wore a black leather jacket over my black T-shirt. I put on my blue jeans and looked at myself in the mirror. I like my leather jacket alot. It had my initials engraved on it with silver lining. Costs a lot. I picked up my bag with iron-ons on it and popped a lollipop into my mouth. I'll be having lunch in a few hours anyway so, a sweet in the morning wouldn't hurt.

I walk out of the dorm and walked to the school which was just opposite the dorm building. I entered the school and greeted the security guard. I mean, gotta appreciate their hard work guarding the school right? I walked down the halls. It was quieter than usual.

Maybe everyone was "hyped up" to go to school and reached here early eventually. I checked the time. Yeah, everyone was definitely earlier than me. I'm not late. Everyone's just simply early.

As i walk,a boy with the top half of his black hair tied in a ponytail, looks around confused. He continued walking slowly so I walk while using my phone and stopped as he halted. He turned around quickly and he sees my face.



I turned and got startled by the guy standing in front of me right now. His eyebrow had a slit, his lip had a lip ring. His clothes was like a motorbiker's outfit. He frowned as he looked at me. He had a fierce gaze that could easily cause me to die right on the spot. I blabbered things after getting scared by him.

"Ah,shit- I'm sorry. I'm really sorry!"
I said.

I ran out of fear.

I thought.

It was so dumb of me. Shitshitshitshitttt.
I'm gonna be so late for my first class right now. That guy creeped me out. NOW I HAVE TO LOOK AROUND THE SCHOOL AND SEARCH FOR THE CLASS,ARGHHSHDHDH!

- - -

I looked at the time on my phone. It's been 20 minutes since i was trying to find my class. I felt tired and decided to catch my breath until I saw a familiar number right in front of me. IT WAS MY CLASS NUMBER. I barged in without knocking and bowed my head like, thousands of times.

I shouted.

Everyone looked surprised. Of course, how could they not? I'm ✨loud✨. The teacher looked at my area.

"Jung Wooyoung, is it?"

"Yes ma'am ."

"It's okay if you're late. It's your first day after all. Take a seat somewhere and come up here to introduce yourself."

I bowed to her again and rushed up the small steps to find a seat. Unfortunately, ah the seats were occupied. And...I saw the guy who scared the hell outta me sitting next to a vacant seat. I had no choice but to sit down there. After throwing my bag on that seat,i went to the front and introduce myself.

"I'm Jung Wooyoung. It's Woo for short. My previous university was starting to not work out for me so...i joined this university. I have no friends at the moment.. so.. I'd like someone to be my first friend. I hope you'll like having me here."
I explained.

First, there was silence. The next thing i knew, some students were cheering. I cant believe a few students' cheers could light up my day.

- - -

My first class here was already starting. And... something happened. Ugh, I'm so unlucky these days. I opened my pencil case, trying to take my pen out. I did. But..

"Oh my God,aish- I brought the wrong pen.."
I mumbled, looking at the Sarasa pen that was out of ink.

You can call me dumb cause i ALSO didn't bring an extra pen. Yeah,i cant believe I'm so confident of not losing a pen. WHY? just. WHY. I look in my black bag to search if i have any extra pen hidden in my pockets, compartments, anywhere. You guessed it, THERE WAS NO PEN AT ALL.

I looked at my pen that was out of ink. Looks like I'll have to live with it. BUT I'M SUPPOSED TO TAKE DOWN NOTES, OF MY GOD. I put my pen on the right side of my part of the table and looked down to my textbook, clearly upset at myself. That's when i saw a hand reach out to my table to take my pen and place it back. It was still my pen. But it was refilled. I looked at the person on my right.

It was.. the guy?? He looked away as if nothing happened and looked at me again.

"..Hey.. sorry I.. ran away from you earlier-"
Then I got cut off by his voice.

"It's Choi San."
He said.

His voice was far than what i imagined he would sound like. Compared to me, I just sound so annoyingly high-pitched.

"Ah,okay. Sorry,San..."

"It's fine. Bring an extra refill next time."

He went back to listening to the teacher. Maybe.. he isnt what i think he is like. He glanced at me once again. Out of nowhere,i..




I wanted to look up at him again. Don't know why. My body just tells me to look at him again. And when i saw him, he smiled. His skin was shining as the sun passed through the windows to shine the light on him.

He's so bright..

I thought.

I tried not to show any emotion and got back to noting down important things for class. Now i think of it,I shouldn't have just looked away like that. He must've been hurt when i did that. I just ignored his smile and.. did some work in class which i never really do.

To Be Continued...
I don't know if this makes sense or nAh🙇‍♀️
AnYWaYs, comment and vote! NEVER LEAVE THIS BOOK HANGING OR I'LL FIND YOU. I'm just kidding,hEhET—

♡︎Birthday Wish//WooSan ffWhere stories live. Discover now