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:: Yeosang is in his last year of university and Jongho is in his third year(there are four years of university). Yeosang thinks of confessing to Jongho. They still share a dorm.

Yeosang could only think of Jongho for the whole day, feeling so bored. He knocked his pencil against the table constantly until his table partner keeps him quiet.

Yeosang blurted.


Yeosang came back to the dorms and sees that Jongho was lying on the bed, clearly worn out. Yeosang sighs and sits on the couch, thinking of something.

... Should I confess to him today?? I really really like him...
Thought Yeosang.

Midnight arrived quickly, and Yeosang was in his bed, not knowing what to think. He sighs and gets up from his bed. That's when he realised that Jongho wasn't in his bed anymore. How tf did Jongho get out of bed so stealthily—

Anyway, he gets up from bed and looks in the kitchen, seeing that the kitchen lights were switched on.

Jongho must be in there..
Yeosang wondered as he looks in the kitchen.

He was right, Jongho was there. Maybe the bear was just looking for a midnight snack. Jongho was still in his cargo pants and his white button-up shirt.

"Hey, Jongho.."
Yeosang croaks as he hasn't been speaking for hours.

"Oh, Hyung. Sorry for disturbing you.."

"No no, you didn't. I just couldn't sleep ever since."

Now that Yeosang thinks of it, he sighs and hides his face is his hands.

"Shit,I think I'm having insomnia these days..."
He finally said.

"Insomnia? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"It's not that bad i guess..."

"I'll buy you a body pillow tomorrow, okay?"

"Thanks for being so thoughtful, Jongho.."

"Oh, Hyung,uh.. can you make a sandwich for me..? I don't know how to make a sandwich with these.."

Jongho points to the condiments on the table and Yeosang laughs.

"Okay, I'll try to."
Yeosang told him.

Yeosang sat in front of the condiments on the table, as well as facing Jongho who was seated across him. He noticed Jongho looking at him with his head on his hand.

"Yah, why are you looking at me like that.."
Yeosang asked, smiling like an adorable cutie everyone would truly simp for.

"You just look cute today."

Jongho looks at Yeosang's hoodie sleeves hiding his hands. Then he looked down at his own pants and he smirked for some weird reason.

Yeosang started off but had no other words.

He laughed and just went on to make the sandwich.

After a few minutes, he was going to heat up the sandwich after assembling it but was frozen by the sudden grip on his shoulders. He was so immersed in assembling the sandwich that he didn't even realise Jongho was walking behind him.

Jongho then proceeded to back hug Yeosang.


"Yeosang-hyung,I like you."

♡︎Birthday Wish//WooSan ffWhere stories live. Discover now