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"Karls?" The blue-eyed singer called from the passenger seat. The pair were outside the cabin they had called home for the last couple of days. Taylor sat in their car while Karlie stood outside loading their luggage into the trunk upon insisting that Taylor get rest.

"Yeah?" The model called back after lifting her head to meet Taylor's light blue eyes through the rearview mirror.

"Have you seen my journal? I can't find it anywhere," Taylor called back before turning her body to look through their bags in the back seat once more.

The taller girl smiled to herself before moving to look for the singer's journal. It wasn't long before she found it although she hadn't expected it to be open when she found it. The page it opened to was a song called wonderland. With her curiosity getting the better of her, Karlie found herself reading the first few lines. She felt her heart shatter as she read the beginning lines of what seemed like a song in the making.

The lyrics written in the journal could only describe a relationship that started beautifully and then took a turn for the worst. Each syllable shed light on the emotions the older singer had felt during her past relationship. They showed how her feelings of love and amazement started beautifully before they turned into feelings of sadness and paranoia just like the relationship changed from a blank canvas being filled with beautiful colors to a portrait on fire.

"Karls?" Taylor's voice snapped the model out of her thoughts. Looking up Karlie found the singer standing in front of her with an unreadable expression on her face. The thought of being caught reading the blonde's lyrics was the furthest thing from her mind right now. Her head was clouded with one question that she demanded the answer to.

"Who hurt you like this?" Karlie's broken voice shattered the uneasy silence that had settled around them.

The question wasn't what Taylor had expected. She expected a million different questions, all harsh and confused. Taylor had expected reality to snap and take her back to Beverly Hills where Dianna was yelling at her for writing such horrible lyrics about her like she had on her previous album. The blonde expected everything but the heartbroken voice and concerned words that came from the model standing before her confirming that this was real and not the many ghosts of her past relationship that still haunted her.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Tayor said softly as she came closer to the brunette, her soft hands shook as they came up to take the tattered journal from Karlie's firm grasp. She turned to close it and lay it against the car before turning back to Karlie. Looking up to meet her green eyes, the singer felt her breath hitch in her throat at all the emotions she saw swirling in them.

"How can you say that?" Karlie's voice came out choked as she tried holding back a sob. The thought of the singer trapped in a mentally abusive relationship was one that killed her. She couldn't stand knowing that Taylor had been hurt so badly when she was the person that least deserved it.

"She can't hurt me anymore. It doesn't matter anymore. Karlie, she's gone, but you're here. I'm okay now," Taylor spoke sincerely as she reached up to place a delicate hand against the model's left cheek, the other on the nape of her neck pulling her down gently for a kiss. When their lips met, Karlie only had one thought in mind.

'I'll never hurt you like that.'


They spent an hour on the road before either of them said a word. Karlie had her eyes on the road before her with one hand on the wheel and the other on Taylor's thigh silently letting her know everything was okay between them. The singer seated in the passenger seat passed the time by alternating between scribbling down words in her journal and humming quietly to reaching down and drawing small patterns on the model's hand.

Although, despite their small actions to reassure one another, the tension around them was obvious. Both girls were thinking of the right thing to say, each one second-guessing themselves whenever they built up the courage to say something. It wasn't until the song that was quietly playing around them came to an end that one of them spoke up.

"I'm sorry I read your journal earlier. I know how important your music is to you and I shouldn't have looked at it without your permission," Karlie spoke breaking the comfortable silence that had settled around them.

Taylor's head snapped to the side to stare at the model surprised that she had apologized, even more so when she realized how sincere she was being. Due to her previous relationship, Taylor grew accustomed to never receiving an apology; especially over something that had such little meaning as Dianna would say. Subtly shaking her head to rid herself of thoughts of the actress, she regained her composure enough to form a response.

"It's okay, Karls, I know you didn't do it on purpose," Was her simple reply that held such a deeper meaning. The smile that came with it was enough for Karlie to know she meant what she said.

"Promise me you won't write songs like that about me?" The younger girl let out playfully as she turned her head to flash the singer a smirk. The laugh Taylor let out after that was enough for Karlie to know there was no longer any form of tension between them.

"Just don't go breaking my heart," Taylor responded as she sang along to the song that had started playing. Karlie found herself fighting the urge to laugh as she sang the next line not even coming close to matching the voice of Elton John making them both burst out in laughter.

"You should definitely stick to modeling, Karls," Taylor joked with a wide smile dancing on her lips. Karlie's dropped before she felt another wave of laughter building up inside of her. They would be okay.


News: I'm back for now. It's been impossible to find a time to write new chapters and when I do, I end up having writer's blocks. This isn't nearly as good as I want it to be but it's something and hopefully you'll all like it. You'll get new chapters each Sunday or Monday until I hit another writer's block.

Important stuff: The next chapters will just be them and how they go about with the changes in their relationship. I don't want to write too much angst but I know that I'll have to. I've decided the it'll follow their timeline but I'll change some things so that they're still together and not hiding (if you have any ideas on that please let me know)

Other stuff: if you guys have any ideas for chapters then let me know and I'll try to write them. The only thing I won't be writing is smut.

Anyways comment and vote....please?

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