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"Sam, you won't believe the night I just had," Taylor said flipping on the Brit's bedroom lights. She saw Sam sit up and rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"Can't this wait?" He asked already knowing the answer just by looking at the smile on his friend's face. He was slightly shocked since he hadn't seen his friend smile like that in ages.

"No, I think I might burst with happiness if I don't tell someone," She said kicking off her heels and jumping on the bed landing next to Sam.

"Alright, on with it then, what were you up to?"

"Karlie took me out around the city after we left the club. We went on a ferry ride to see the statue of liberty and we went to the Highline. Sam, it was wonderful. We held hands and we hugged. Sam, she was so nice to me and she radiated sunshine even in the dark," She said sitting up. She swung her legs off the edge of the bed and walked out of the room. Sam followed her with a confused expression on his face.

Taylor walked into her room and went straight to the corner reaching for her guitar. She sat down on the ground with her guitar and started playing different chords until she settled on a beat she liked. Pulling her phone out and laying it on the ground, she hit record and started singing.

"She says look up and your shoulders brush. No proof, one touch. You felt enough," She sang strumming along quietly. She hummed along before she came up with more lyrics, "So it goes, you two are dancing in a snow globe 'round and 'round."

She suddenly stopped and got up to put her guitar back on the stand where it previously was. She walked out of the room and went into Sam's to lay on the bed again. Sam was beyond confused, to say the least. He stayed glued to the spot until he snapped out of his confusion. When he walked back into his room, he saw the blonde already sound asleep on one side of the mattress.


Taylor woke up to the sound of her phone going off with notifications. She groaned, but reached for her phone and saw multiple texts from her friends and a few from an unknown number. Curiosity getting the better of her, she opened the text and instantly smiled.

Hey, it's Karlie I got your number from Lily.-Karlie

I was wondering if you'd like to do something today before you leave the city.-Karlie

Never mind actually, I have a last-minute flight to Paris. Sorry, but we should definitely do something soon.-Karlie

Taylor felt herself frown when she read the last text. She wanted to see the model again, but it seemed that the world was dividing them.


"You're sure you have everything?" Sam asked her as he tried getting Meredith into her cat carrier. Taylor looked over to him after zipping her suitcase shut.

"Yes, I have everything," She said putting it by the door for her security to take. She was due to leave the big city in a few minutes.

"You'll call me when you land, right?" Sam asked coming to stand in front of his friend. She nodded and reached out to hug him.

"Thank you for everything," The blonde said while tightening her grip on the British boy. She had always had a close bond with Sam.

"Of course, Tay. That's what friends are for right?" He said hugging her just as tightly. The blonde singer wished the hug would last forever, she knew that once it was over she would be on her way to New Zealand for the Oceania leg of the tour. She didn't want to leave this concrete jungle, she knew that once she left, everything that happened here would just be a memory.

"Okay, I think of you don't go now you'll miss your flight," Sam said pulling out of the hug. Taylor sighed and let go of her British friend.

"Call me when you land, Tay. I mean it. You worry me too much," Sam said walking her to the door.

"I will, I will," Taylor said giving him a smile and leaving the hotel room.


"I guess we're leaving, Mer," Taylor said petting the cat curled up on her lap. Meredith looked up at her and meowed making the singer laugh quietly, "You miss being home, don't you?" Once again Meredith meowed making her owner laugh again.

"Ready for takeoff, Ms.Swift?" Her pilot asked coming in to check on her. Taylor nodded and buckled her seat belt.

"Let's get this leg started," She said turning to her pilot. He nodded and went back to the cockpit.

"Here we go, Mer," Taylor said holding the cat closer as the plane rolled down the runway and ascended into the sky taking the singer further away from concrete jungle she grew to love in a few hours.

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