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Karlie was the first to wake up the next morning. Although, she'd still be asleep if it wasn't for the ringing phone that snapped her out of her dream. The model took a moment to become aware of her surroundings before making a move to get up.

The first thing she was aware of was Taylor's arms around her. The second thing was Taylor's scent invading her senses and sending her heart into overdrive. The third thing was Taylor's shallow breaths against her skin searing it with heat. Everything that was Taylor Swift was the only thing Karlie took notice of.

Pressing a kiss to the singer's neck, Karlie slowly began to disentangle herself from the sleeping blonde underneath her. She smiled when Taylor tried to pull her back, but she fought the urge to stay in her arms and moved to get up.

'She's so beautiful,' The model thought before letting out a breath and moving to search for her phone. Her smile quickly dropped into a look of disdain when she read the caller ID.

With a sigh, the model left the room opting to go outside. She figured it's better to be somewhere where Taylor couldn't hear if the conversation got heated. Josh certainly would be happy that she left without saying anything; not that he actually cared.

"Hello? Karlie?" She heard the entrepreneur's serious and hushed voice. He must have been somewhere important if his voice was that quiet.

"Yes, Joshua?" The model let out feeling irritated. She would've loved to spend more time in bed with Taylor. She would've loved to see the blonde's blue eyes when she woke up. The only thing keeping her from that was Joshua Kushner and his impeccable timing.

"Karlie where are you? We have a meeting with the investors of Karlie's Kookies today," Josh spat out in an annoyed tone.

Josh was one of those people that loved to have control and order in all aspects, but Karlie was the opposite of that. Karlie loved freedom and embracing whatever life throws at you. When it came to business they were the perfect team but when it came to separating their relationship from business, they clashed.

"I'm not in New York," Was the model's vague reply. She felt guilty for forgetting about the meeting. She felt guilty for leaving without so much as a word. But most of all, Karlie felt guilty for feeling so happy about leaving to be with Taylor.

"When's the fastest you can get here? I can reschedule to meet again in a few hours," The entrepreneur suggested not wanting to lose the investors. When it came to business, Josh liked to stay on top. He hated losing investors and important deals. Business was what came first to Josh; it came before anything and everyone.

Karlie felt annoyance fill her when she heard his words. Josh didn't care about anything outside of business. He didn't even care to ask where she was. But along with the annoyance came guilt for being so careless and forgetting about her commitments. She felt guilty for leaving without telling anyone.

The guilt overwhelmed her to the point of almost deciding to pack up her things and catch the first flight back to New York...almost. Karlie was torn between having a fun trip and going back to take care of her career. She was torn between being careless and being responsible. Karlie was torn.

"Joshua I'm not going," Karlie said when she realized how simple the decision was. It wasn't a decision between having fun and work. It was more than that, it was a decision between Taylor and Josh.

When faced with that choice, Karlie would choose Taylor without a doubt. Karlie felt free with the singer. She felt safe and cared for. When she was with Taylor, Karlie felt something she had never felt with Joshua; she felt loved when she was with Taylor.

"What do you mean you're not coming? Karlie this is your business. This is your career. You can't just blow it off because you want to have some fun in God knows where. When did you become so careless Karlie?" Joshua seethed. The model didn't even need to see him to know that he was furiously running his hand through his hair and pacing back and forth. The image alone was sickening.

"Joshua I know what my career is! I know what I'm doing with my career. I've been doing just fine without your input, I don't need you telling me what I need to do in order to make a living!" Karlie practically yelled into the phone. Josh had a way of getting under her skin in a way that made her hate him.

"Okay, you know what? How about you call me when you're ready to have an actual conversation like an adult because I think you're overreacting," The entrepreneur spoke only to further anger the model.

"I don't give a fuck what you think Joshua! How about you stop being such a dick and learn to actually care about someone," The model spat before hanging up. It didn't take long before the anger turned into overwhelming guilt that sent her into a crying mess.

"Karls?" Came Taylor's soft and sleepy voice. The singer was wrapped in a light blanket with her glasses perched on her nose. Her hair was slightly out of place due to just waking up and her eyes were a light shade of blue. Even in her state, Taylor looked perfect.

The sight only made the taller girl let out a choked sob. One look at Taylor and every ounce of guilt left her body only to be replaced with affection and need. Soon the strong sobs were enough to send her pummeling to the ground. If it hadn't been for Taylor's arms around her, Karlie would have hit the ground.

"It's okay Karls, I've got you. Just let it all out," Taylor whispered as she rubbed her hand up and down the taller girl's back. She wouldn't push Karlie to talk, she knew that that's not what she needed right now. Right now she would focus on comforting her and hating Josh for evoking such emotion.

What seemed like hours passed before Karlie looked up from her place in Taylor's arms to face the singer. Her sobs had subsided leaving her with only rapid breathing and puffy eyes. Taylor looked down to meet Karlie's eyes with a worried and curious gaze.

"Are you okay?" The singer asked softly as she ran her hand through Karlie's soft light brown hair.

"I will be, thank you daisy," Karlie responded as she hugged the singer closer to her wanting to feel a certain sense of security that she could only get from Taylor.


News: I'm trying to write chapters over the weekends because it's the only free time I get so you guys will probably get new chapters on Mondays or during the weekend but that's not a guarantee.
The next two chapters are mostly fluff but they are very important. We're finally getting into some good stuff which I'm excited about. For future chapters I won't be writing smut because I'm 14 and it would be weird/very bad writing. The smut will be implied but I won't go into detail.

Lastly don't forget to vote and comment...please?

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