Water and Fire Part 5

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Tales of Ba Sing Se... PART 1 since the Ba Sing Se arc will be a bit longer

And finally...





Second ship will come soon, but KITxTOKO WOOHOO


"I could've sworn Ba Sing Se was prettier," Xavier says, tilting his head to one side, looking at the great city. 

"Mhm." Shasa sighs, shaking her head, before coughing as Knight flew through a dark cloud of pollution. 

"Oh god, what is that?" Kit questions, waving his hand around aimlessly, before exiting out.

"I think I found the answer," Toko replies, pointing to a Fire Nation drill. 

"Someone get us to those walls, I think I see Earth-benders!" Shasa says, pointing to the wall. Kit obliged, grabbing Knight's reins and flying down to the wall. 

"Hi!" Kit waves.

"The Avatar and his friends?" A white-haired man questions. His eyes were blue and red, respectively, and his red outfit surely matched one of a majestic Pheonix. "My brother, the Earth King has been expecting you."

"Great, uh, there's something attacking you, do you need help?" Toko questions. 

"Haha! You must be the Avatar and his friends! My brother Zac has told me a lot about you! My name is Count Nightfell!" Another masked man appears, wearing purple. 

"Great but do you need help?" Nika asks.

"No. Not for this. My men can handle it. But there's something I do need your help with." The General, as Kit had already dubbed him, shook his head. 

Not too long after he said that 50 men ran towards Grey-Eye, and not even 5 minutes had passed, and all of them were on the ground, groaning in pain. Yet again, The General was adamant about letting them help.

"Nika, do you know what's wrong with them?" Toko asks his twin, as water slowly traveled down one of the men in the 50-Men-Army. 

"Seems like their chi is blocked," Nika explains, ordering the water back into her jug. "They'll be fine. After a few hours. "

The General sighed in relief. 

"So, do you need help now?" Kit questions. 

- - -

So that's how mostly everyone wound up here. In the heart of a big machine, where Nika tirelessly tried to cut through blocks of steel, while Shasa and Honey tried to melt the steel. 

Xavier was outside, trying to use the Earth to stop the big drill from going in, while Kit was helping the soldiers by flinging balls of earth with Air-bending.

Toko... well, Toko was there for moral support. Not that anyone needed it. 

"You can do it Nika!" Toko cheers, ignoring his sister's glares, before cheering yet again. "Go Shasa! Go Honey!"

"Toko, can you keep it down?!" Shasa questions, wiping the sweat from her face. "It's a bit of a giveaway to your opponents."

"Yeah, Toko." A new voice answers. 

"Violet-Eye?!?" Nika gasps, making the water travel up her arms in a defensive stance.

"The only and only!" Violet-Eye laughs, before shooting fire at the gang. "And I've brought more friends!"

Grey-Eye and Black-Eye hopped up, shooting fire at everyone's head. 

Toko hopped down from where he was, before quickly grabbing Nika's hand and running away. 

"Toko!" Nika yells, using her free hand to send the water into a jug.

"Come on! Shasa, Honey, go outside!" Toko orders, as Grey-Eye and Black-Eye follows them. 

Nika sends water down multiple hallways, before sliding into a boiler room. "Toko, open that pipe." 

Toko stared from Nika to the pipe, before turning the pipe around and around, before opening it. "Eww. Watery clay."

"Get in." Nika orders. 

"What?" Toko questions. 

"Get in!" Nika yells, pushing Toko in and jumping in herself. 

Black-Eye and Grey-Eye finally get in the room and Grey-Eye hops in after them, but Black-Eye wrinkles his nose and doesn't follow. 

"Eww!" Toko spits out some wet clay. "Seriously Nika?" 

"It has to go out somewhere." Nika shrugs. Grey-Eye quickly jumps in and shoots fire, as Nika quickly uses the dirty water to throw some at Grey-Eye.

Once Toko and Nika fly out of the machine, Nika quickly plugs in Grey-Eye with the water, as he struggled against her hold. 

"So, are we supposed to stay here or something?" Toko asks, flicking off some wet clay.

"Just stay there! Don't cause any trouble!" Nika orders. "As the older one, I'm in charge!"

"Who said you were the older one?" Toko crosses his arms. 


Suddenly, the roaring of the machine slowed down, and all of the clay burst forward, sending everyone down. 

"Come on." Violet-Eye snarls, throwing down a rope for Grey-Eye and flying away on a war balloon. 

"Hey, get back here!" Toko yells, throwing his boomerang at the airship, but it missed and flew at his head, knocking him down. 

"Toko!" Nika yells.

"M'fine." Toko groans, standing up. 

The twins leave to greet the General, who was in a war room, also named by Kit. 

"Thank you, Avatar, and friends. My name is Phi, and this is Count Nightfell." The General or Phi replies. 

"Hey." Xavier waves. 

"Hello!" Count Nightfell greets.

"My brother, the Earth King has been expecting you, however, Dr. Evel, and the other members of a rebel group to overthrow my brother have been denying my summons to him, and I think the worst. We must go to the palace, and overthrow the rebel group so that Ba Sing Se can get ready for the war."

"Wait, so we're going to battle?" Honey questions. 

"Indeed. I have found out about a solar eclipse, in the libraries of Ba Sing Se, which tells us of a solar eclipse on the same day of the Snake's Comet, right before it. It lasts 10 minutes, which should be enough to neutralize the Fire Nation since Fire-benders don't have their power since the sun is blocked. Although I don't know what to do about the Comet, which gives Fire-benders more strength, but we can utilize this chance, and have the Avatar beat him." Phi explains.

"And how can we trust you?" Xavier questions. 

"He's telling the truth. I've been taught to read the air currents, and that'll show if someone is lying or not." Kit says. 

"Then we'll do it. The Earth Kingdom has one of the strongest armies, and we need them for the invasion." Toko says. 

"I agree with Toko." Nika nods. 

"Alright then, whatever you two say." Honey replies cheerfully. 

"Here's the plan." Phi takes out an intricate map of Ba Sing Se. 


haha y'all are going to hate me once the Ba Sing Se arc is finished 

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