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After politely informing Paul that I didn't have any 'ciggies,' I eventually convinced him to have a cup of tea with me instead.

"Good to know we still drink tea in the future," he'd mumbled as I was putting the kettle on the stovetop.

Now, we were in the living room as we waited patiently for the water to boil. Not having a clue as to what I should say to him, we sat in awkward silence before he thankfully spoke up with a shy smile. To me, it looked as though the anger he'd expressed earlier had dwindled a bit, and politeness had taken its place.

"So, have you any idea how I might get back to the time I'm from, Miss?" he inquired gently.

"Darn, of course he'd ask that question," I mentally grumbled.

"Well, I...umm," I stuttered, my face reddening with a nervous blush, "I'm really not sure, Paul. I'm so sorry."

"Ahh," he sighed, his expression going solemn, even though he attempted to mask it with a wan smile. "That's okay, Miss."

"Oh, please call me Molly," I added, suddenly realizing that I'd been calling him 'Paul' instead of 'Mr.' "In 2022, we just call people by their first names, but, now that I think about it, it is more polite to address someone by their surname."

Paul, looking a bit surprised by my words and the rate at which I had spoken them, only nodded before replying, "Alright then, Molly."

"Is it okay if I call you Paul?"

"You can call me anything but early, luv," he quipped with a wink.

"I've heard him say that in an interview before..." I mused with a smirk.

Noticing my bemused profile, he said with a chuckle, "What's so funny? Is my hair messed up?"

"Oh, no! It's certainly not your hair," I returned hastily whilst still stifling a laugh.

"It's my nose, then, yeah?" he tried again mischievously, knowing that he was charming me.

"Nope, it's not that either," I assured him.

"Well, if it's not me, it must be you. Therefore, I believe I know your problem," he said thoughtfully as he flashed his studying hazel eyes upon me. "You're suffering from a bad case of Laughabititus, and I must inform you that it's unfortunately incurable. I'm so sorry."

In my still awestruck and awkward daze, I missed the memo that he was only joking around, and began to think that 'Laughabititus' was some sort of bizarre disease from the '60s. And so, I gave him a dense-looking frown as my face once again went red.

"O-oh," I croaked timidly. "How do you know that's what I've got? I mean, I feel fine."

"I know because I've had it myself. Most uncomfortable, it is. Especially when you're at the rear end of a naughty joke."

Okay, now I'm so confused...oh wait.

I finally realized that the Paul McCartney was only teasing me, and I was too dumb to know it.

How embarrassing.

My face now the color of a fire hydrant, I smiled unconvincingly before finding the strength in my dry vocal chords to speak again.

"You're funny, Paul," I said with a knowing and accusing shake of my head.

At this, he reeled back in laughter, which surprised me considering I suspected he was still freaked out about the whole time travel thing. That is, too freaked out to laugh at all, let alone break into a full-on guffaw. His laughter was infectious, though, because I too began to giggle.

"I'm sorry, luv," he sputtered between giggles, "I didn't mean to scare you, but the look on your face was priceless!"

"You're rotten!" I replied with a light slap to his arm, which I hope he didn't mind.

"That's what the lads call me," Paul replied with a small chuckle before his expression fell.

"We'll find a way to get you back to where you belong, Paul. Don't worry," I told him with a sympathetic smile, my heart breaking to see him sad, since I'd really only ever seen the happy-go-lucky Paul on the telly. Of course, I should have known that Paul wasn't always happy; he was a human being with feelings after all.

"I just wish I knew how I got here," he stated with a bite of his fingernail, which I remembered was a nervous habit of his.

"Me too," I sighed, the tea kettle beginning to whistle. "I'll go get that, and then I'll be right back."

"Ta," he nodded.

Okay, I am so sorry these first few chapters have been so short. I can promise that they'll get longer, though, so I hope you all might like that better. Thanks so incredibly much to the lovely people who have stuck with this story so far, and I hope I won't disappoint you with what's to come! :-)

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