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After I'd arranged the flowers, I decided upon the fact that I wasn't going to dwell upon the whole 'Heather The Flower Woman' debacle, for I didn't want to worry Paul into a fitful mood. Seeing that I wasn't that tired from work, and that Paul hadn't gotten to do anything all day, I hit upon an idea.

"Are you up for a bit of fun, Paul?" I asked him conspiratorially.

"What sort of fun?" he grinned like a little child awaiting a surprise.

I suppressed an affectionate giggle as I replied, "Well, would you like to go roller skating? I think that's one of the only things we can do that wouldn't tell you too much about the future."

"Of course, as long as it's okay," he answered, obviously happy to get do something other than sit around.

"Then let's be off," I smiled as I grabbed my coat and wallet, took his hand, and pulled him towards the door.


Once we got to the skating rink, Paul was a bundle of energy. I could barely even park the car for his incessant wishes for me to "hurry up already". I patted his arm as a means to get him to calm down, but he was simply too excited. Rolling my eyes, I took the key out of the ignition and proceeded to accompany Paul to the door of the skating rink.

As soon as we opened the door, the loud boom of music and laughter reached our ears, and the smell of popcorn and pizza wafted into our noses. I saw Paul's eyes twinkle with the buzz of thrill, and I realized that my idea of coming to have some fun was a good one. (It didn't end up proving to be a good idea, though, but I'll be forced to come to that horrifying turn of events in due time.)

Pushing through the crowd, we managed to find the service desk and thus obtain our skates. We then sat down to put them on, and I swear Paul managed to put his on in a matter of five seconds, for he was back on his feet and urging me onto the rink before I had a chance to tie my laces.

Nodding with a smile, I finished, and together Paul and I approached the rink, where dozens of people were whizzing by us. The music playing was extremely loud, and for a fleeting moment I worried that a song might play that Paul shouldn't hear. But I pushed that thought away, because for once I just wanted to have a good time with him.

Slowly, we wandered out onto the rink. As soon as our skates hit the wooden floor, I grabbed Paul's arm in fear that I was going to fall. He gave me a smile so pure and childlike in return that I nearly did topple over, but for the sake of being simply awestruck.

"Are you any good at this?" I asked him as we edged along the wall.

"I'm not bad at it," he replied, but as soon as he'd said it he lost his balance and fell upon his bum.

I burst out laughing at the doe-eyed look of confusion he was giving me from the floor, before I offered my hand to help him up. He grabbed it, but I hadn't remembered I was wearing skates and the force of his pull caused me to fall on top of him.

"Ouch," he bellowed as his head fell back.

"I'm so sorry, Paul!" I apologized, awkwardly getting off of him and making sure he wasn't hurt. He assured me he wasn't, and as we got up, I took to brushing the dirt off of his shirt, which sent a bemused expression to his countenance.

"What?" I said confusedly.

"Nothing," he answered mischievously. "Now, as I was saying, I'm not bad at this, y'know. Just watch me," he exclaimed with a wink. With that, he began skating away with all the energy I'd seen him possess during his concerts.

I watched him for a moment in shock, quickly finding that he actually was rather good at skating. He looked like an agile cat weaving through the woods with his slender, athletic build and easy way of getting around people who happened to be in his path. For a moment I wished I could be like that. Not in a physical sense, mind you, but in a social and abstract one. I thought of how amazing it would be to have the ability to go where I wanted without anyone stopping me, or to simply do what I wanted without anyone's objection. To be able to weave around social expectations and life problems like Paul weaved around the people just seemed so comforting to me. I mean, doesn't it seem comforting to you?

My mental somersaults were interrupted when Paul had made it back around to me, though. "See that?" he said excitedly. "I told ya I could do it."

"I never doubted you, my son," I replied in the tone of an Indian guru.

He laughed at that before he offered me his hand and we took off skating together. We skated for a good thirty minutes, laughing and having a wonderful time, before a slow song suddenly came through the speakers.

Now, I must admit that I've always found romance in general a bit corny, so I'd imagined in my daydreams that hearing a romantic song in such a moment as this would evoke a sense of disgust or uncomfortableness within me. But, when I took a glance at Paul, who was the kind of person I wouldn't mind spending my life with, I didn't feel such things at all. In fact, I welcomed the idea of being romantic and giddy, which I never ever would have thought possible before.

Paul looked at me with great big eyes, as if asking permission to hold me close while we skated. "Molly, luv, would you like to, well, do what everyone else is doing?" he smiled shyly with a gesture to the other couples who were slow dancing or holding each other's hands.

"I'd love to, Jonathan," I grinned as I took his hand and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He gave me a pure expression of affection, before he pulled me close as we began swaying to the music.

Such an event as this was one I'd only thought happened in cheesy Hallmark movies or romance novels, but it turned out that real life could prove to be as unrealistic as reality actually was, as confusing as that seemed. I closed my eyes and let the moment sink in, relishing every second that Paul's lean frame was in my arms.

Suddenly, I felt him pull away, though, which made my heart sink in disappointment. I wondered what he wanted, but I didn't have to do so for long, because he then leaned towards me and gave me my very first kiss. I couldn't fathom what was happening. I felt a thrill of energy shoot through my bones, and my face went warm with the realization that I was kissing a boy for the first time...and that boy just happened to be Paul McCartney.

Everything was so amazing, and I didn't realize how much I never wanted it to end until it did. I opened my eyes, curious as to what made Paul pull away, and found that his face had turned two shades paler. He looked at me with a forlorn countenance of wistfulness and love, before his eyes flickered shut and he crumpled to the ground. I let out a scream, and the world seemed to stop around me.

Okay, I apologize, but I do think I've sort of grown away from wanting to write this book, haha. That being said, I'll probably write two more chapters, and then end it, because I just feel like I'd rather spend time writing stories in a way that pushes me a bit more. Thanks so much for reading! ❤️

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