The End

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I awoke slowly. My eyes had never felt so undeniably heavy, and my head ached as though it was stuffed with cotton. I couldn't stifle a groan as my surroundings began to make themselves known to me for the first time.

It seemed as though I was in a hospital room, and with a guilty pang I realized that I must have fainted when they'd told me of Paul's passing. My poor baby...

But, as my senses began returning to me, I noticed a dull throb in my right arm and a searing pain in my leg. And, looking down, I perceived with a shock that they were both bound in thick casts. How on earth had I hurt myself if I'd only fainted? What was going on?

As if my confused mind had been read, a nurse chose that moment to enter the room.

"Hello, dear. How are you feeling? You've been through quite the ordeal, you know," she said as she discreetly looked me over.

"I'm fine," I replied distractedly, beginning to grow frustrated by the fact that I didn't know what had happened.

"But you're not, though," she smiled sympathetically.

"Well why not? All I did was faint," I countered, completely discombobulated.

"Oh, you don't remember?"

I frowned, feeling like I was missing out on some sort of secret.

"Remember what?"

"You were in a car accident, luv. You hit someone driving in the other lane. And the man you hit has actually been waiting to see you for a good while now," she said with a peculiar grin. "He wasn't hurt, though, thank goodness."

A car accident? When had I been in a car accident? The only car accident I had been in was the one I had dreamed about the morning I found Paul asleep on my doorstep.

Unless that hadn't been a dream at all. Unless that was truly my reality and all the time I'd spent with Paul was actually the dream. But that seemed too strange...

"I'll send him in if you're ready for visitors, then," the nurse, who I noticed was named Heather, said. "I really wouldn't want to keep him waiting any longer."

"Sure," I said sadly, for the thought that I hadn't really gotten to meet Paul depressed me greatly.

"Alright, give me one second, then," she chirped as she turned and left.

I wanted to cry so badly. I hadn't met Paul, which meant that all of the wonderful memories I'd made with him were only figments of my imagination, and, on top of that, my reality wasn't a very comfortable one at the moment. I tried very hard to hold the tears in, but I nonetheless began to weep bitterly.

That is, I wept until the man the nurse had spoken of entered the room.

As soon as the sound of his voice graced my ears, all of my negative thoughts were silenced, and I felt a wave of hope crash through my soul.

"Hello, there," he said gently, "how are you doing, luv? I wanted to make sure you were alright before I left; I hope that's alright."

I couldn't begin to form a coherent sentence, but it was alright because he seemed used to such reactions. Of course he was used to them...

"Anyway, what's your name, baby? Mine's Paul, but I suspect you might have known that already," he smiled, his eyes still possessing the same spark they had had when he was young.

Still in disbelief that the guy I had allegedly wrecked into was Paul McCartney, and that Beatle Paul in 2022 hadn't actually died, I struggled to think properly. Therefore, to get things straight in my mind before I sounded like a daft idiot in front of him, I silently summed everything up for myself.

I hadn't met him, he hadn't time traveled, we hadn't fallen in love, and he hadn't died, but I had wrecked into his car as I drove along the road whilst listening to his music, and he was standing right in front of me. Granted, he was the modern Paul, but that made much more sense than the time traveling dream I'd apparently had of him anyways. Consequently, the dream I'd thought I'd had at the beginning of this expenditure was actually real, and a young Paul time traveling was my true dream. So weird it all was, but I at least had grasped everything to a degree.

"My name is Molly," I replied, my voice sounding foreign to my ears.

At that, I noticed Paul falter a bit. He cocked his head sideways, looked at me in a very peculiar manner, and began, a bit unsure, "Molly...that's a beautiful name. Forgive me, but have we met before, then? Something about you seems...familiar. I'm sorry, I'm probably just losing my mind, quite honestly. That's what Stella's always telling me, anyway," he finished with a chuckle.

Had we met before? Well, I knew we hadn't in reality, but we had in my dream-if that's what it had been. I have always wondered about the world of dreams, and how much we don't know about it, so a part of me wanted to believe that I had met Paul...just not in the realm of consciousness. Was that so unbelievable? Perhaps, but if Paul thought he'd met me before, then I suppose I must assume that it is in fact believable as well.

With a quizzical quirk of my lips, I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes once more and said, "I'm not too sure. I know I've dreamed about you once, though. In my dream, you were in your 20s and you time traveled here to 2022."

"Well, that's funny," he chuckled, raising his eyebrows, "because when I was younger I remember I had quite the strange dream about a world where everything was different. I can't recall a lot about it now, though, I just remember thinking that I was seeing into the future or something daft like that. Aren't dreams funny?"

"They are," I replied.

So he dreamed a similar thing all those years ago. How strange...

"But you did dream Yesterday, so maybe there's something magical about them, too," I added mysteriously, with more confidence than I would have given myself credit for.

"Perhaps so," he smiled, before a certain sense of recognition bloomed across his countenance. And then he said in a most peaceful and happy tone, "Molly...I do seem to remember you."

Alright, I hope that ending wasn't too weird and far-fetched for you. I partially based the ending on the fact that I had a dream a couple of nights after I saw Paul in concert where I met him (like early 2000s Paul), held his hand (which was cold, haha), and then told him thank you for everything he's done for me. Then he looked at me with really loving eyes and said I was very welcome. Then it ended, but when I woke up it felt like I truly had just met him. It was like I was at peace because I had finally gotten to meet him and thank him for his wonderful music and positive message. Anyways, I know it's stupid to think you've sort of connected with someone because you've had such a real and meaningful dream about him, and I don't claim that I have at all, but I do think there is something special about dreams that we can't understand. And that dream was magic. Anyway, now that I've blabbed about my useless thoughts, I'd like to thank you all so much for all the support you've shown me throughout this book. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it, and I really hope you enjoyed it! Until next time! :-)

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